Hi all!
We've realised you already mentioned that signing out of Two Point County improves things Dutch_Gamer1982 - so don't worry about trying that again!
As Jax said, letting us know if you have lots of PSN friends would be useful - we've seen issues before where this can cause waits whilst we query Sony about friends. That would explain how using a different PSN account could fix the problem.
It sounds like even after you managed to log out (by hitting the Two Point County button in the main menu), next time you started the game, the long wait came back, which is unusual - is that right? Did you fully exit the game, e.g. by choosing "quit game" from the PlayStation switcher menu? When you loaded up again, did it show you as being logged back into Two Point County again even though you had previously logged out?
For the long load itself - it sounds like a few different things may be being talked about here, so I'd really like to narrow it down to help us focus our efforts. Can I just check exactly where these long loading times happen? It might be more than one place - please let us know which ones:
- Is this when you start the game for the first time, as in, from the PlayStation menus, before you see the game's main menu? It may be this, since it sounds like it took 10 mins to get to the point where you could sign out of Two Point County.
- Is it when hitting the 'sign in to Two Point County' button on the main menu? So it waits for a long time before you can hit any other buttons?
- Is it immediately after hitting the 'continue'/'new game'/'sandbox' buttons on the main menu? So after hitting the button, you get a very long loading screen (with a "did you know?" tip), followed by the map screen, or seeing the first level if you chose 'new game'.
- Or is it when choosing to enter a museum, whilst you're on the map screen? So again you get a very long loading screen with "did you know?" tip, followed by seeing the museum you're loading into.
- .... a mystery 5th option!
I'm just trying to understand what could even be taking a long time to load here, since we've tried hard to force this to happen (by faking bad network conditions etc) and we haven't seen long load times yet, which makes it tricky to know where to look. Another useful thing to help us would be to take a video of what you're doing just before the long load - no need to video the actual load, I'm sure you've got better things to do :)