​Hello Mac Players!

We hope you're enjoying Two Point Museum :) We're aware of some issues that we're working to fix, and we're really sorry that you've come across these problems.

Currently we are aware of: 

- Flickering/flashing in Museums for some players 

- Museums being dark for some players 

- Stability issues/crashing for some players 

We have put a build on a branch which we hope will fix the flickering and flashing, and may improve the issue with dark museums as well. We've not gone though our full QA process on the build just yet but we wanted to get this build out to you ASAP 

To access the beta branch follow the steps below: 

1. Right-click Two Point Museum in your game library and select Properties (if you have Steam running, you may need to log out and in again) 

2. Select the BETAS tab. 

3. Choose museum_mac_beta from the drop-down menu. 

4. The build will start downloading (The build number is 1.2.177417) 

 Please note that saves created on the beta branch will not work on the current live build. We recommend you take a backup of your save files if you might want to switch back to the live build. As soon as we push this fix out to the live build, you will be able to come of the patch beta branch :) 

There are instructions on how to back up saves in here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2185060/discussions/1/594016102539903117/ 

Thank you all for your patience with this as we work on getting this resolved! 

