margotbean wrote:
Still waiting for the "big announcement" on how you fixed something that was working and then YOU broke it. One month and counting.
I am considering getting a big fat refund for the entire game & all DLC that I purchased. I do not like spending hard earned money on a BROKEN game that's missing features. Features, btw that can be found in any of the pirated copies floating about. Maybe you could ask the pirates how to fix it.
Thoroughly disgusted.
Edit: Within 4 hours of submiting a support ticket through the SEGA website, I received an activation code for Steam. I now have the golden toilet, sink, and hand dryer.
I've registered for 3 different web accounts, and linked my Steam account to Sega, none of which I wanted to do. But, they did do the minimum required to make me happy after all that.
Will I purchase Two Point Campus? Not on your life!
Good morning,
Sorry to hear about your frustration there, just checking, you say TPH is broken, is that because you weren't able to access Hospital Pass items? It's before my morning coffee so apologies if I've misunderstood. If you could let me know about what features you're missing or any bugs or issues, we can investigate further for you!
Happy to hear that SEGA support was able to deliver a key for you; we have Hospital Pass available for redemption under the rewards tab (the present tab in the top right). These items used to be rewarded for signing up to our newsletter, however, we had to change web domains which unhooked the magic that made this possible, and it took a little longer than anticipated to get everything working smoothly over here.
Also, a friendly reminder, we truly appreciate anyone who supports our games, as a small team it means a lot! Please remind yourself of the forum's code of conduct, as using illegal activity as a threat is a quick way to a ban.