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[Known Issue] - Cannot book an Expulsion Ceremony.

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a year ago
Jun 16, 2023, 7:23:49 PM

Hello everyone,

So sorry, but it seems a bug snuck into the 7.0 update that means you cannot book Expulsion Ceremonies.

The issue seems to occur when you close the event setup UI after selecting to book an Expulsion Ceremony.

We're hoping to put a beta build out tomorrow with a hotfix, so that we can then release fully as soon as possible.

Thanks for your patience,


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a year ago
Jun 19, 2023, 1:16:52 PM

Do you know when you will be fixing this as I’m still having this issue :( 

I was fine until I completed level 1 bow plot 4 expulsion ceremony is greyed out although I am more than capable of doing it and everything else is green 

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Jun 19, 2023, 3:16:37 PM

Hi Sunstone,

Sorry to hear that,

We don't have an exact date or time, but the fix is being tested and should be ready to role out soon! 

Thanks for your patience,


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a year ago
Jun 27, 2023, 1:23:12 AM

Hello there, just came to check to see if it ended up getting fixed. I tried to play yesterday and it happened to me and now I'm unable to process with my map. Thanks!

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a year ago
Jun 27, 2023, 10:31:59 AM

Hi Ragingcontent, 

Sorry to hear this! 

The fix will be released for this bug as soon as possible.



Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Jul 2, 2023, 4:41:14 AM

Hey there! Has this bug been sent out. I can’t book a ceremony for Hester which I need to complete the first star. I’m playing on Xbox. I’ve been chipping away for 3 years game play but it won’t open. 

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a year ago
Jul 3, 2023, 11:11:09 AM

Hey There! Do you have a timeline for this fix on PlayStation? I see the fix went out for PC last week.

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a year ago
Jul 3, 2023, 4:35:08 PM

I'm having the same problem and can't progress.  I can't get the first star on this level.  Do we have a fix yet?

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a year ago
Jul 4, 2023, 7:10:35 PM

I have a short fix!! Very annoying and takes alot of work.. but I've just got my trophys!! took a few restarts over. I'm too stubborn to sit down and take a no!! 

Firstly you do have to start again.. take off auto save.. 

And just check the lots regularly, (annoying I know) and save manually after you've checked them! secondly if the damage bonus is green, you cannot go into the following year with it green or the expulsion ceremony will be grey after that! And you have to reload or start over! I only found this to be the case, once I got to 3 star but I don't think I left a lot that had the damage bonus green prior to that! 

Thirdly do not click expulsion ceremony and then try and move it to a different month or come out of it as it'll go grey again, and you'll have to reload! I suggest always doing it around March, to be safe.. 

Fourthly... and this is a major pain in the ass, if let's say for the bonus you need 100 A grade students and you got it to 66/100 if you save a come off the game because its bedtime or work time or whatever it will go back to 0/100. Which for a grade students is OK, for plot where you need to get so many students via marketing pain in the arse and I didn't do it with the bonus in the end! Hope this helps!! It's been a long grind

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a year ago
Jul 6, 2023, 2:29:34 PM

I also found that save and reload caused the 2x for “unlock 8 plots” reset. So now it says I have 11/8 plots unlocked, but no 2x bonus.

bonus needs to be applied for 8 or more plots unlocked upon loading save.

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a year ago
Jul 10, 2023, 2:19:11 PM

Hi All,

We are working on a fix for the plot objectives bug some of you have experienced. 

To help us test further, if anyone is on Steam, please send me your Two Point Campus Folder. To do so follow this navigation path in file explorer: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Two Point Studios\Two Point Campus. Once located, "Zip" the folder up (right click and you should see the option) and then send it as an attachment to campus.support@twopointstudios.com



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a year ago
Jul 11, 2023, 3:43:03 PM

Hi all,

We have released a patch that should fix the issue preventing you from booking Expulsion Ceremonies.

We are still working on the issue with plot objectives that reset. A fix is in testing and we hope to roll it out soon.

Thanks for your patience,


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a year ago
Jul 31, 2023, 5:58:40 PM

I am playing on PlayStation. I am having the same issue. Any idea when it will be resolved? Thanks. 

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a year ago
Aug 1, 2023, 9:47:13 AM

Hi Becca67,

Sorry to hear this? Are you one PS4?

We noticed that there was an issue with our patch that blocked it from going live so we have just pushed it through again.

Could you make sure you are up to date and then try again? This issue is resolved in the update.

Let me know how you get on! 



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10 months ago
Nov 26, 2023, 11:03:27 AM

Still having this issue on Steam (ceremony option greyed out), cannot progress my game and stuck with final plot before two star.

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