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3 months ago Jul 01,2024, 15:31:43 PM

Pebberley Puzzler | Community Challenge


A screenshot of Two Point Campus, showing an overheard shot of a dig site.Riddle me this...

Pebberley Puzzler

It’s time someone tested you for a change! Dust off your archaeology tools ready to tackle the latest Campus Challenge, Pebberley Puzzler. An ancient quizmaster awaits, having emerged from their slumber with a mind-full of mysterious questions ready and waiting for you to solve.

A screenshot in Two Point Campus, showing the Puzzler asking the player "what has hands and a face, but can't smile or hold anything?"

The legendary Pebberley Puzzler has been quizzing folks for much longer than any County educator, longer than anyone can remember in fact. Every hundred years or so, they wake up with a new set of tricky questions for whoever happens to be alive, and this time, it’s your turn!

As you’d imagine, they like to stick to tradition, and in the world of academia, that means multiple choice. Make your selection wisely and think carefully before answering, or you may end up on the wrong side of mystery.

Community Challenge

The County’s beloved eccentric billionaire, Mr Wigbert Percival Silverbottom, has an exciting opportunity for all of you! With absolutely no personal motivations involved, he’s hosting a donation drive among his close circle of wealthy friends. Are you ready to start digging?

 If you can quickly tackle this so-called ‘Puzzler’ and promptly train the next generation of archaeologists, Wiggy and friends have promised generous donations to the County’s educational coffers. At least, that’s what Wiggy’s butler, Giles, mentioned in his correspondence.

Speed is key, and we are assured that this urgency has nothing to do with any alleged workplace shortages at Mr Silverbottom’s dig sites. So, to add a, um, fun twist to make this donation drive a challenge, Wiggy’s promised a $10,000 donation for every gold medal, with silver and bronze earning $5,000 and $2,000 respectively. 

A progress bar sits at 0% below a mystery item silhouette with a white question mark.

To offset some budgetary shortfalls this academic year, the County needs 10 MILLION dollars ASAP. Mr Silverbottom is very busy, and we may only have his attention for the next week or so (giving Giles a well-earned break in our opinion). So, are you up for the challenge?

 A short message from a Two Point County official:

A friendly reminder that this donation campaign is completely independent and in no way linked AT ALL, not even a little bit, to the latest incident involving the extremely rare (and now “misplaced”) dinosaur skull that intrepid explorer Wiggy Silverbottom allegedly discovered on his latest expedition. Thank you for your support!

Challenge Details

  • Play the new challenge mode, Pebberley Puzzler, to participate in the Community Challenge
  • Every little helps, no matter the trophy!
  • The community must achieve $10,000,000 (10 million) as soon as possible, starting today 1st July 2024 and ending 12th July 2024 23:59 BST
  • $10,000 is added to the total for every Gold Medal and for Silver or Bronze, $5,000 or $2,000 respectively
  • Once the goal is met, a special item will unlock in Two Point Campus for all players across all platforms
  • Plus, if you impress Wiggy, he may have more mysteries for you to investigate…
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3 months ago
Jul 1, 2024, 4:02:05 PM
Exciting! Jumping straight in on this x

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3 months ago
Jul 3, 2024, 11:04:07 AM
Awesome job so far everyone :D
You've risen to the challenge, facing off against the ancient quizmaster! Keep digging Pointians, there's still more to uncover before the Puzzler slumbers again ⛏️
A banner with mystery item's silhouette, with a white question mark in the centre. It its on a yellow background that's decorated with a cross pattern and light is shining out from behind the item. In big bubble text it says Pebberely Puzzler Progress. A progress bar on 15 percent sits at the bottom of the image.
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3 months ago
Jul 8, 2024, 1:24:43 PM

Super5060 wrote:

AMAZING! Sad we have to wait for another dlc: *something with water will be cool*

We're working hard behind the scenes, but it's not time to share just yet!

A banner with mystery item's silhouette, with a white question mark in the centre. It its on a yellow background that's decorated with a cross pattern and light is shining out from behind the item. In big bubble text it says Pebberely Puzzler Progress. A progress bar on 73 percent sits at the bottom of the image.Keep up the good work folks, there's just a bit more digging to go...

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