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Panoptic Pillar Bug and Potential Marketing issue

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4 hours ago
Mar 1, 2025, 3:20:00 PM


Having so much fun in the game!

I'm on the science museum and have an epic Panoptic Pillar II down (a couple of them in fact) and have pinned the objective to get the level 3 upgrade to pristine. It's either very broken as a quest or I'm extremely unlucky or I'm just not understanding the requirements properly. I've had plenty of thieves exposed but the counter never goes up. Do they have to specifically exposed by the pillars? Removing my security so that thieves don't get exposed by guards and have a chance to be seen by the pillar seems incredibly risky... or is it that I have to drench a bunch of guests until I randomly expose some thieves manually? It would be good to get clarification on this as the tooltip on the upgrade requirements and the behaviour is a bit ambiguous at best...

On the marketing side of things a repeat campaign causes the poor marketer to go insane. Unless they are micro-managed to go on a break (in which case it's better to just not set any campaign to repeat) they stay in the room ignoring all needs to work on the never ending campaign until it's so bad they resign... I'm pretty sure that shouldn't be the intended gameplay loop! I had an extra marketer available on my staff so they could switch out but they never did without my active intervention!

Right... back to science!!!

Updated 4 hours ago.
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2 hours ago
Mar 1, 2025, 5:36:21 PM

And patient science has taught me that it's just a badly worded and overtuned objective... it requires exposing manually so you need to either just waste time and money drenching everyone for a long while, or sit there staring at the screen in case a pillar triggers and then soak everyone in the immediate area to find the criminal. It's ridiculously painful and tedious and just not fun to find 30 of them this way... 

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