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2 Point Museum on ps5 unplayable due to glitched 2 Point account.

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4 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 5:53:07 PM


I made a thread a few days ago as a follow up on a thread I made 2 years ago.

2 Point Campus was unplayable on PS5 as it took ages to load (20+ minutes) and half of the time it didn't even load and got stuck on a black screen with a white dot on it.

I had a work around by playing the PS4 version but to this day the PS5 version had this issue making it unplayable.

I made the follow up because I was looking forward to 2 Point Museum but a little scared the same issue would occur on museum..

No reply on that thread and sadly I have to report Museum has the exact same problem! 

I bought the Explorers edition and started it 10 minutes ago and it takes ages to load or it outright refuses to work.

I'm very upset about this as this is not what I expect from a brand new game.

I really hope you guys can fix this asap because this is getting ridicule and there is no PS4 version as a work around this time.

As a follow up.

I tested it out and it has to do with my 2 point account.

When I started it on a different online profile it works flawless.

The same goes with Campus.

Can you guys please fix this because the issue is very apparently on the side of 2Point servers and a glitch in my account

Please help

With regards.

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4 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 6:11:20 PM

Hi Dutch_Gamer1982,

We're sorry to hear that you're experiencing this issue with slow loading, and we greatly appreciate your isolating the issue to being related to your online account. Can you clarify for me, is that your Games2Gether/Two Point County account? Or is it when you use a different PSN account?

We will be working with our partners at Games2Gether to resolve this issue, but we hope you are able to enjoy the game while we work on this!

Thanks, Kris

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4 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 6:18:29 PM


It works fine when I start the game on a different PSN account on my PS5 which isn't connected to my Dutch_Gamer1982 2 Point account.

When I want to start it on my original PSN account(Dutch_Gamer1982) and as a result also on my Dutch_Gamer1982 2Point account it has these issues.. 

This is account related as the same problem persist on the previous game 2 Point Campus..

Loading takes around 20 minutes.

But even more times it doesn't even load at all, Just a black screen with music playing in the background.

Thnx for the quick reply.

I hope this issue can be resolved as I really love your guys games.

With regards.

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4 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 6:36:07 PM

Hi again,

Thank you for that information, that will help us resolve the issue faster! For a work around it might be worth loading the game on your original account (I appreciate as you have said that this will take a long time) and once you are on the main menu, use the Two Point County button to log out of your account. If it is the Two Point County connection that is causing the slow loading, that should hopefully mitigate the issue and allow you to play on your main account. If it does not resolve the issue then at least we can rule that out and look elsewhere for the cause of the problem.

We hope to have this sorted as soon as possible, and thank you for your patience while we work on it!

Thanks, Kris

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4 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 6:56:40 PM

Thnx again for the quick reply.

I have logged of, but it took 10+ minutes to be able to as it was completely stuck on the homescreen when I clicked the log on/off button. 

After the game has loaded it can be restarted from the homescreen normally.

However if I completely restart the game the same insanely long loading time persists.

Even when logged of because the game still wants to log on again for some reason.

Tested it again on a fresh account on my PS5 and no issues whatsoever.

I hope this issue can be fixed.

Because waiting 15 minutrs for it to load (or in some cases not loading at all) is no way to properly play the game.

With regards.

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4 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 7:02:27 PM

Hi again,

I'm sorry that this didn't fix the issue, but thank you for trying it out. I will pass this information on to our console team and we are already testing and exploring fixes for this problem.

Again we're sorry you've been affected by this issue and we hope you can still enjoy the game despite the problem.

Thanks, Kris

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4 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 7:07:04 PM


Is there a possibility to unlock/remove the connection with my PSN an 2Point account because somewhere between those is the issue.

I don't even mind making a new 2Point account if that will fix the issue.

With regards 

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4 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 7:51:47 PM

Hello Dutch_Gamer1982!

Sorry you're having difficulty! The PSN accounts do not become associated with G2G accounts, only that the user can log in on a PlayStation account. In order to remedy this, could you try the following method:

Starting the PS5 in safe mode:

  1. Turn off your console by holding the power button for three seconds.
  2. The power indicator blinks for a few moments before turning off.
  3. Once the console is off, press and hold the power button again.
  4. Release it after you hear the second beep — one beep sounds when you first press, and another seven seconds later.
  5. Connect the controller with the USB cable and press the PS button on the controller.
  6. When prevented with a list of options, please select Clear System Software Cache

Thank you for your patience! 


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4 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 7:57:29 PM


I already tried this.

Today with Museum and a few days ago with Campus..

Both without result.

Like I said.. This is account related as when I significant in on a guest account on my PS5 it has no issues.

But when I try to play it on my actual account it keeps trying g to sign in with my 2Point account causing the insane loadtimes.

Or that is in any case my best guess.

I hope this will be fixed soon because I wont want to get a refund as I thorougly enjoy 2 Point games.

with regards 

With regards.

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4 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 8:56:30 PM


Sorry about that, I am currently investigating this issue further with the team to see if we can unblock you! Just for confirmation and visibility on this thread, you have tried: 

- Uninstalling and reinstalling the game

- Entering Safe mode and clearing the cache

- Entering Safe mode and rebuilding the database

Thank you for your patience!


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4 days ago
Feb 27, 2025, 9:13:23 PM


Yes I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the games (Campus and Museum) several times.

Rebuilding cache and database also both times.

I can try it again, but I don't think that will work as it hasn't worked before.

I am currently able to play museum but the loadtimes are insanely long sadly.

With regards 

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2 days ago
Mar 1, 2025, 2:31:46 PM

hey I have the same issue on both campus and museums. My psn is: Nedda_E

Fix it now !!!!!!!! This is so stupid trash wasting my time 

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a day ago
Mar 2, 2025, 8:51:58 AM

To avoid the long waits (which for me are only about 7 mins, which is not great) you need to go to :-


then Network (3rd one down),

then Settings (Not the same one as before).

Then choose ‘Connect to the internet’ to dis-connect from the internet. After this carry on as usual until it is time to load your save file. Re-connect to the internet and everything should be as quick as you would have expected it to be. 

I sincerely hope this helps you as it has me. 

If it sounds complex I’ll summarise it :-

Turn off internet before/during loading and reconnect after. Load times should be almost non existent. 

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4 hours ago
Mar 3, 2025, 6:17:43 AM


Itried your method and it worked.

Both games started immediately as intended.

Sadly when I reconnect to the internet the long loadtime is back whenever i want to reload a save or start a different museum/campuson the map.

So to actually comfortably play the game I have to keep the internet off on my console. 

Still very annoying to do have to disconect from the internet to be able to actually start and play my games but at least there is a work around for the time being.

I still really hope 2Point can actually fix this issue because having to be offline to play my games isn't really optimale to say the least.

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4 hours ago
Mar 3, 2025, 6:27:42 AM

Sadly after testing for a while I have to add that after a short playtime with this method (turning the internet on again after loading a save) the game outright freezes for several minutes after which I can play again..

Probably because it is trying to connect to the servers again which causes the same issues and they keep repeating everytime I reload a quicksave. 

Meaning I have to keep my console 100% offline to actually be able to play the game at all

Please 2Point fix this because this really dampens the mood on an otherwise really fun franchise.

With regards.

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