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[Nintendo Switch] Invisible Boombox Table and Strange Screen during events

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a month ago
Nov 3, 2024, 9:42:08 AM


I had asked on Two Point's Discord where to submit my bug report and was directed to the SEGA site.

However, after presenting the problem, I was told to do it here.

So... apart from the well-known sudden crashes that shut down the software about every 15/30 minutes, whenever the Boombox Table is placed on Nintendo Switch, it is displayed without the table, even once placed. This applies to every map, mode etc.

I never seen that table in every scenario I did.
Here a screenshoot of it.

Plus, it happens that when organising an event, a collage of emoji and icons appear on the screen instead of a preview of it.

I trust you can solve these problems.

Thank you for your time and good work :)

Updated a month ago.
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12 days ago
Nov 21, 2024, 9:04:08 AM

Hi IvanaeSilvia,

Sorry for the delay!

We don't have any updates scheduled for Campus currently, but the team are aware the table is missing on the Boombox, and will attempt to fix it if possible.

Other players have found that the "emoji sheet" appears if the Switch is low on memory. Next time it happens, please save your game and restart the console to see if that helps. 



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