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Xbox trophies bug

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2 years ago
Mar 2, 2023, 2:46:41 AM

my trophy count is frozen

  I won a lot of cheeseball matches and I didn't get the trophy!

I completed the game, hiring many employees and still haven't won the trophy.

I kept playing to get the trophies but the counts are frozen

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2 years ago
Mar 2, 2023, 10:22:47 AM

Hi Sants68,

Sorry to hear you are having trouble with these achievements!

Would you be able to tell me the names and the percentage they are stuck at?

To unlock most achievement, you need to be connected to the internet. Can you tell me if your connection can drop out frequently at all? 

Could you try to reattempt these achievement is a Sandbox mode? Other players have found that this helps in the past. You can use the creative mode to give yourself lots of money/course points to make the task less time consuming. 



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2 years ago
Mar 2, 2023, 3:48:05 PM

Bookworm fanatic 26%

Spanner that works 50%

Staff boom 88%

you win some 93%

do your homework 34%

I have a stable internet, some achievements kept counting.

However, these uploaded achievements stopped counting

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2 years ago
Mar 5, 2023, 3:13:28 AM

I, too, am having this issue and it has been occurring for a few weeks. I've not noticed other achievements but I know the Spanner That Works achievement has been stuck at 41% despite the number of machines I upgrade. My internet connection is stable.

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2 years ago
Mar 6, 2023, 11:09:55 AM

Hi both,

Thanks for letting me know.

Can you try and restart you consoles? By this I mean fully power down and back up. 

As I mentioned previously, can you also try the achievements in Sandbox and let me know how you get on.



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2 years ago
Mar 7, 2023, 1:24:37 AM


My console is completely switched off every night and has been unplugged for two days before now, before and after which the progress was still stuck.

I have just tried upgrading a few different things in Sandbox mode and the progress still did not update.

I've since looked at other achievements to see that some do update, such as PhDarn Good and The Academic Rainbow. Others, such as Like a Millionaire and Bookworm Fanatic do not.

Could this be an issue on Xbox's end? I could monitor achievement progress in other games if you'd like, or could contact Microsoft and hopefully come back with a fix if you think this is a problem for them.

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2 years ago
Mar 7, 2023, 4:58:17 PM

Hi Glaarb,

Thanks for the added information.

If you chat with Xbox, by all means let me know what they say! In the mean time I will flag this again with out programmers too.



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2 years ago
Mar 9, 2023, 7:52:07 PM

Hi Chizel,

I just spoke to an Xbox support agent who warned me of an outage for some Xbox Live services, so I'm going to keep an eye on that and try to get the achievements in Sandbox again after everything is resolved on their end.

I'm going to spend some time tonight monitoring achievement progress in other games to see if this is an issue specifically related to TPC, or if it's definitely an Xbox problem. I'll get back in a few hours or tomorrow evening with the results.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Mar 15, 2023, 5:44:48 PM


Took a little longer to get back on this, but I can confirm that achievements are working fine in every other game I have played. The recent update made no difference to the achievements in TPC.


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a year ago
Mar 30, 2023, 6:04:26 PM

Hi Chizel,

It has been a while without word from you on this.

I was just looking around on TrueAchievements for stuff to do with other Xbox achievements and came across a forum post from December 2022 where people have reported the same issue, so it looks like this has been a problem with the game for a few months now, maybe even since its release. Someone in that thread suggested a fix that worked for them but I've already tried this twice to no avail.

Is there anything that can be looked at on the development side of things to fix this?

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a year ago
Apr 3, 2023, 9:23:39 AM

Hi Glaarb,

Thanks for posting.

We are still investigating this issue, but it is proving incredibly difficult to pinpoint. 

Have any of the achievements you listed started tracking at all recently?

Thanks for your patience,


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a year ago
Apr 4, 2023, 5:52:58 PM

Hi Chizel,

Thanks for getting back to me.

Unfortunately, I've had no luck with any of the achievements since my previous posts.

If anything changes I'll keep you posted.



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a year ago
Apr 5, 2023, 9:15:06 AM

Hi Glaarb,

Thanks for letting me know.

We are continuing to investigate so I will be in touch if I need more info.

Thanks for your patience,


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a year ago
Apr 13, 2023, 9:12:00 PM

I have this too on xbox. "Do your homework" is stuck on 66% and "Enough Experts" is stuck at 94%. All other achievements have unlocked for me fine. 

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a year ago
Apr 14, 2023, 9:50:41 AM

Hi Hullscotty1986,

I'm really sorry to hear this. 

I have added the provided info to our database. We are still investigating the cause of stuck achievements as it is proving difficult to pinpoint why it is happening. 

Thanks for your patience,


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a year ago
Jul 13, 2023, 2:48:14 AM

I'm also experiencing this...Bookworm Fanatic is stuck at 56% and Spanner that Works is stuck at 96% (that one is particularly frustrating because my Xbox won't stop telling me I'm close to achieving it).

Other Two Point Campus achievements have triggered since those stopped registering, so it really is just those 2.

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Jul 16, 2023, 5:58:58 PM

Hi there, 

I am also experiencing an issue with You Win Some & You Lose some - have tried all the mentioned fixes in this post & none have helped. 

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a year ago
Sep 17, 2023, 7:22:51 PM


Has anyone found a fix for this yet, or has the cause been determined?

I came back to the game to see that this is still not working. Namely, the Spanner That works achievement is still stuck at 41% for me despite upgrading 20 machines in one campus alone. I assume the others aren't either but will look.

Other achievements are working. I recently got the one for curing 15 patients in a row just fine.

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Sep 18, 2023, 10:23:50 AM

Hi Glaarb,

Sorry that your achievements are still not tracking.

We are still investigating the issue as we have not found a direct cause for the stoppage yet.

Some users have found that the achievements simply start to track again. My best suggestion currently would be:

  1. Make sure you have downloaded our most recent update.
  2. Power down your console fully and the restart.
  3. It shouldn't be the case, but try upgrading machines that have not been upgraded already, and try different levels.
  4. Attempt the stuck achievement in Sandbox mode. If you chose the "Creative" setting you will have lots of cash so you can build a campus that has the sole purpose of trying to complete the achievement.

We completely understand how frustrating this is. We're doing what we can to figure it out.

Thanks for your patience,


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