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Please fix the constant crashing on PS5

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13 days ago
May 7, 2024, 12:05:03 PM

A game that’s been released over 2 years shouldn’t be crashing every time you go into editing a room/adding items -eg pictures/machines.

This should have been tested before launching the game. It’s not our job as players to be doing this - you should have bug tested this before it even going on sale.

This is happening on ps5 which isn’t even a last Gen console.

Please fix ASAP, not wait months on end.

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12 days ago
May 8, 2024, 12:30:03 PM

Hi yuna1971,

Sorry to hear this! 

Can you tell me if you have any mods installed? If so, please uninstall them to then see if the crash stops occurring.

If possible, can you also add a comment to the crash report each time you are affected? If you let me know what it is you note down, we can try to see if there are any obvious signs for the cause of the crash.

Thanks for your patience, 


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