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a year ago Nov 08,2023, 13:17:12 PM

Modding Out Now! | Custom Items on all Platforms

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Exciting news everyone!

You might remember a little while ago we launched a beta for modding over on Steam. Well, we’ve been busy working alongside the lovely folks over at mod.io to bring cross-platform modding to Two Point Campus!

Now we’re here with a very exciting update for you all, we’re delighted that ALL PLATFORMS can now use community-created items, meaning you can download custom-modded items and use them in-game!

You may have noticed an extra option appear on the main menu for Two Point Campus, which opens up the mod.io browser where you can see all the modded items available for your platform, and subscribe to items to use them in-game.

Soon we’ll also be introducing floor and wall customisation, meaning you can mod your very own wallpapers and flooring options, to use in Room Customisation. So keep an eye out on socials for this!

How can I download mods?

First, make sure Two Point Campus is updated! Once you load up the game, click the new ‘Mods’ tab on the main menu. In the top right, you’ll see a little meeple, if you press that from there you’ll get a pop-up to guide you through logging in. Follow the steps, it’s a single sign-on process, so once you’ve logged in the first you’re good to go ahead and subscribe to ALL the items you like! 

To use modded items, browse the mods on offer and press the subscribe, if you hit the button before logging in, you’ll be prompted to log into your mod.io account. Your subscribed items will download whilst you’re in the main menu, and a little pop-up will show once installing is done!

Unsubscribing from mods or deleting the mod’s files will cause any in-game items to revert back to a default Two Point Campus item, so your game save won’t be missing any items, this automatic reverting is to prevent any errors from popping up.

How can I create my own?

You’ll need a few things before you get started, there’s a handy guide for the initial setup, which includes installing Unity (the game engine we use) alongside setting up the modding project. 

If you get stuck at any point, we’ll do what we can to help out. Modding is all about the community after all! So join our Discord and jump in, no question is silly or not worth asking, plus you can share what you’re working on with the community!

We have a load of guides to help you out on the journey. To get started modding, you can change our ‘Geometric Canvas’ with an image of your choice, like your favourite cat!

You’ll be able to do texture swaps to change things like the image on a poster, or you can fully replace the mesh (skin) of an item with something of your own. If you have a cool idea for a chair, go right ahead and swap your concept with one of our existing ones! We have guides to get you going with this, you can try customising a plant before moving on to choosing your own item meshes to mod.

Please have a read of our best practices for modding, this is particularly handy if you want to share your mods for other players to use!

We’ve been loving what the community has created so far, there are so many awesome items on offer. If you run into any issues using modded items, please unsubscribe from the items so they revert back to their unmodded state. As these are player-made, we do our best to moderate and run checks on them before they go live for you all, but of course we can’t guarantee everything will always run smoothly so: when in doubt, unsubscribe from mods if you run into issues, and if you’re not sure, as always please do get in touch over on our Bugs forum.

Thanks everyone, we appreciate you supporting our games and we hope you love the new modding tools!

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a year ago
Nov 9, 2023, 2:33:03 PM

I subbed to things on the mod.io page, but when logged in it doesn't show up in game. not everything shows in game though - how do you do it?

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a year ago
Nov 9, 2023, 3:32:52 PM

Do things seem sparse for the Switch? Also can I log in without using my Switch account or log into Mods with my Nintendo information?

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a year ago
Nov 9, 2023, 7:59:17 PM

This reminds me of the good old days playing The Sims and downloading all the items I could get to my diskette.

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a year ago
Dec 28, 2023, 2:52:04 PM
getkraven wrote:

if I download mods could I still unlock achievements?

Yeah, I've utilised a few of the first aid packs for deco amongst the modular sofa furni and on ps4 have recieved trophies

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