UffeLiten Cheesy Gubbins AddictMyesUffeLitenCheesy Gubbins Addict3 400g2g pts a year ago Jul 8, 2023, 5:54:23 AM Like the title says
HolographicDoll County Resident-DollHolographicDollCounty Resident2 700g2g pts a year ago Jul 8, 2023, 5:07:02 PM Which badge?
arasz91 DoctorTPC & TPHarasz91Doctor2 400g2g pts a year ago Jul 9, 2023, 5:56:50 AM HolographicDoll wrote:Which badge?Maybe "good chatter". I've just upvoted this topic and this badge showed up
UffeLiten Cheesy Gubbins AddictMyesUffeLitenCheesy Gubbins Addict3 400g2g pts a year ago Jul 9, 2023, 9:29:44 AM Yup, that onearasz91 wrote:HolographicDoll wrote:Which badge?Maybe "good chatter". I've just upvoted this topic and this badge showed up
ArFFenia Doctor The Great ConnectorLubię Placki. ArFFeniaDoctor The Great Connector1 900g2g pts a year ago Aug 13, 2023, 6:47:00 PM Do I need to create my own topic or is a comment here enough?
brunotangeras Newcomer Musical GeniusNewcomer who loves games like Tropico, TPH, Frostpunk and Rimworld!brunotangerasNewcomer Musical Genius1 500g2g pts a year ago Aug 13, 2023, 10:30:27 PM wat
flight854 Monobrow patientMr. Duckflight854Monobrow patient1 900g2g pts a year ago Aug 15, 2023, 7:38:37 AM :3
Harper846 The Great ConnectorYoHarper846The Great Connector2 500g2g pts a year ago Sep 14, 2023, 12:26:43 AM Tell us more please?
Iriai The Great Connector Knight of the Realmxo xo IriaiIriaiThe Great Connector Knight of the Realm2 400g2g pts a year ago Oct 22, 2023, 9:31:02 AM oh, that's greatUffeLiten wrote:Yup, that onearasz91 wrote:HolographicDoll wrote:Which badge?Maybe "good chatter". I've just upvoted this topic and this badge showed up
maty The Great Connector Cheesy Gubbins AddictMaty GamingmatyThe Great Connector Cheesy Gubbins Addict2 400g2g pts a year ago Oct 22, 2023, 10:22:46 AM hi
Fightkiller93 Knight in TrainingMoinFightkiller93Knight in Training2 500g2g pts a year ago Oct 22, 2023, 10:42:58 PM me too
Fuggibear Newcomer"Wer richtig dringend aufs Klo muß, weiß daß der Weg sicher noch nicht das Ziel ist."FuggibearNewcomer1 900g2g pts a year ago Nov 12, 2023, 9:17:00 AM Hey and me too :D
sevenhill Serial Wishlister DoctorKendinize cici bakinsevenhillSerial Wishlister Doctor2 500g2g pts a year ago Nov 13, 2023, 2:46:57 AM I hate that to stuck on rewards because of this kind of restrictions ( For example it wants me to give a vote but there isnt any voting exist )Two point team has to give us more oppurtunities to let cumminity grow
Dzienko Junior Doctor Cooking Extraordinaire Gamer!DzienkoJunior Doctor Cooking Extraordinaire 2 000g2g pts a year ago Nov 16, 2023, 5:38:55 PM ok
Kitiara Musical GeniusIt's just meKitiaraMusical Genius2 400g2g pts a year ago Nov 18, 2023, 11:11:45 AM I just go with the flow.
marcusfields52 The Great Connector-Marcusfields52marcusfields52The Great Connector2 500g2g pts 10 months ago Dec 11, 2023, 10:33:48 PM Me too
Celerian Musical GeniusSomething, something, profile complete.CelerianMusical Genius1 900g2g pts 10 months ago Dec 18, 2023, 7:51:58 PM Well done. This is not a bot post. I am a normal human being.
Cheesy Gubbins Addict
Cheesy Gubbins Addict
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County Resident
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Cheesy Gubbins Addict
Cheesy Gubbins Addict
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Doctor The Great Connector
Lubię Placki.
Doctor The Great Connector
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Newcomer Musical Genius
Newcomer who loves games like Tropico, TPH, Frostpunk and Rimworld!
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Monobrow patient
Mr. Duck
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The Great Connector Knight of the Realm
xo xo Iriai
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Maty Gaming
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"Wer richtig dringend aufs Klo muß, weiß daß der Weg sicher noch nicht das Ziel ist."
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Serial Wishlister Doctor
Kendinize cici bakin
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Junior Doctor Cooking Extraordinaire
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Musical Genius
It's just me
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Musical Genius
Something, something, profile complete.
Musical Genius
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