​Hey everyone!

We're now fully released! It was an incredible day yesterday for us at the studio and we're so excited to see so many people enjoying Two Point Museum!

 We're continuing to work on addressing any bugs and will be patching again shortly. Thanks again for being the best community ever—keep curating, keep causing chaos, and most importantly, keep sharing your museums with us! 

Please let us know if you have any problems/issues/questions

Release Notes

Build number: 1.2.176857 - 04/03/2025


  • Additional tutorialisation for Analysis room
  • Added option for 5000 Kudosh to be disabled in Settings menu 
  • Added "Item is in an invalid location" message in inspectors for items to inform the player of the invalid placement icon 
  • Kids in the Sonic onesie now run just that little bit faster (gotta go fast) 
  • Increased the coffee machines in the staff room and security room to $2,000 


  • Fixed crash that can occur for some players when loading into a level 
  • Fixed issue where the Main Menu would sometimes not load on return 
  • Fixed issue related to suspending and resuming with DLC installed 
  • Fixed issue where staff pay rise was incorrect
  • Fixed issue where Sandbox was not spawning criminals besides vandals when Thief level was set to low and above
  • Fixed a soft lock in Bungle Wasteland (Objective to display a Spa Point II can be hard locked if you can only build a Spa Point III in the workshop)
  • Fixed a bug which was causing the inventory icon to be showing above exhibits occasionally
  • Fixed a bug where visitors became clustered around exhibits occasionally
  • Fixed an issue where the guests will sometimes stop moving
  • Fix for Mulcher Objective in Bungle Wasteland - the game is now happy if you've got a higher level of Mulcher (If you've come across this bug - you will need to pick up and replace the Mulcher after the update for the objective to tick off)
  • Fix for some cases of stuck VIP visitors
  • Fix for some cases of expeditions becoming stuck
  • Fixed an issue where the staff in Marketing will not leave on break
  • Fixed Performance drop when looking at a ghost with the polterguest UI open
  • Fixed issue where sandbox level starts with thief guild already active
  • Fixed issue where unachievable stickers in sandbox were displaying
  • Fixed the issue of wrong stats being displayed in the Marketing Room
  • Fixed issue where Meteormites caused a mass pandemic
  • Fixed issue with SFX with Claim expedition
  • Fixed issue where Idol Interactive display sticker-book entry was not achievable
  • Fixed issue where staff did not go on break when tours weren't in progress
  • Fixed issue where guests were joining over-capacity tours
  • Fixed Robo Janitors clearing Electrical sludge
  • Fixed Bean-Brained and Junk Foodie not showing a happiness increase when activated
  • Fixed issue with event in Bungle burrows that could not be countered
  • Fixed the issue with star letters not using the correct icon
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes and Stability improvements
  • Optimisation improvements
  • The giftshop is now a little brighter