Hi! I would like to share ideas for upcoming games, likely to be released in 2028 if they keep up with the pace of recent releases:

Two Point Animals / Two point Zoo

I know we have some games of this style but have not finished satisfying the hunger of the players, on the one hand the lack of aquatic animals(you have made a part coming from TPM wink wink) , and aerial animals has not been exploited, and others that could be exploited are prehistoric animals of different ages, such as saber-toothed tiger or mammoths, apart from dinosaurs. It would be essential to add the mechanics of entering into the view of the animals to be able to see them up close, in addition to the issue of the complete management of the zoo, it is important that animals can have babies and their growth cycle to see how they evolve.

Two Point Parks

Again, there are already games of this style but they have not done well, mainly for having little content or to take it out through dlcs, players do not like this business model, we can accept a big expansion every year for a fair price but not chop the game in dlcs and take out the base game with little content. An amusement park management and also a well done and fun water park could be a great game, again, with the added bonus of being able to zoom in and get into the rides to enjoy them.

Whatever the game you are going to make, the first thing to do is to study the graphics engine well to get the full potential and that the game comes out optimized, something that almost no management game has achieved when your zoo or park increases in size or there are many visitors even on the high-end computers, which makes you lose interest and end up leaving the game.