Hello everyone,

Unfortunately I found a dead end. My current task is to build and display the (in German) Mulchomat. I built the device and upgraded it to level 2 before I had fully completed the quest. I have already sold the level 1 device. I have now completed the entire quest, except that I should have the Mulchomat level 1 because I already have level 2 and the quest does not recognize it. I can only build the level 2 device in the workshop.  As I now have level 2, can no longer get level 1 and the quest does not accept the level 2 device, I am now stuck in a dead end. Perhaps someone knows a solution or the team will quickly release a patch in which the level 2 device is also sufficient to complete the quest. 

I don't rule out that I've overlooked something, but after 1 hour of searching for a solution, I thought reporting here was the best solution

 Best wishes