TwoPointChizel, in Bugs - General Troubleshooting
16 days ago
Hello curators!
We've done our best to deliver a game that is fun and bug free, but sometimes a problem sneaks past our watch and messes with your experience.
If you're unfortunate enough to encounter an issue, here are some things you can try to get back up and running. If none of the below works then head over to our brand new bugs forum and we'll do our best to get you back up and running!
Restart your game and system
It sounds trivial, but there are lots of reasons why turning something off and back on helps. Just compare it to how you go to sleep every night! Sometimes, simply restarting the game or your computer can resolve unexpected issues, saving you a load of time in not having to troubleshoot further.
"Off and on" can look like any of the below:
Quick Save/Load.
Close the game and reopen it.
Restart Steam (PC).
Restart your computer or console.
Corrupted Game Files?
PC players are able to "verify the integrity of game files" in Steam. This essentially runs a check between what files you currently have and what files you should have. If anything looks odd, Steam will replace it.
To run this step:
Right Click on Two Point Museum in your Steam library and select Properties from the menu.
Select the Local files tab and click the ‘VERIFY INTEGRITY OF GAME FILES…’ button.
Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.
Once the process is completed, the Check Window will automatically exit.
We recommend verifying your cache twice to make sure all files are fully downloaded.
It's important to keep drivers up to date for all of your PC's inner parts. When they get outdated it can lead to many different issues.
Visit your GPU, CPU and Audio manufacturer's website.
Download and install the latest drivers for your equipment.
Restart your computer after installation.
Here are some useful links to help:
We're also aware very old Realtek drivers (such as those installed with old motherboards/PCs) can cause crashes at startup on Windows.
To fix this, we recommend taking these steps:
- Uninstall the Realtek Audio Driver through "Add or remove programs"
- Rebooting your PC
- Run Windows Update and let it install all available updates
- In Windows Update, go to 'Advanced Options', then 'Optional Updates', and install anything audio-related in the 'Drivers' section, if there's anything there.
Performance Issues
If you're experiencing performance issues first make sure you have checked your machines specifications against our minimum/maximum requirements here.
You can then try:
Lowering the graphics settings within the game's options menu. You can also tweak resolution settings by following the steps below.
Toggle features like V-Sync, Anti-Aliasing, or reduce texture quality. You could also look at disabling shadows to see if this helps.
Switch between fullscreen and windowed modes to see if performance improves.
You can also jump on our BETA Branch (if one is available) to see if the issue persists. The BETA Branch is where we test things for upcoming patches.
If you want to try this, please make sure you back up your save before doing so (useful information about saves and backing them up is listed further down in this guide). Something to bear in mind is that if you move to the BETA Branch, your saves won’t load on the default branch should you move back, unless you restore your backup.
Here are the steps for changing branch:
Right Click on Two Point Museum in your Steam library and select Properties from the menu.
Select Properties.
Click on BETAs.
Enter the Access code (if there is one).
Select "Opt in" to the available branch.
To revert back to the default branch, follow the steps above, but select "none" from the list instead of continuing to point 4.
Check for any software/antivirus conflicts
It's possible that if you have an antivirus, that it is mistakenly thinking our game files are a threat. You should be able to look within your software for files that are blocked and allow them safe passage if they're one of ours!
It's also a good idea to make sure you don't have any other applications running that could be competing for your PC's resources to run efficiently.
Cloud Saves/Editing save files (Steam only).
If you experience something like a power cut, you can sometimes log back into your game only to find that the save file is “corrupt”. This will have been caused because the power cut interrupted the save process. It could also happen if antivirus interferes when TPM is writing a file.
In our games, if the save file is in this state there will be a red icon with an “!” in it. There are 2 places you could see this.
The front end when trying to load your save - this means your career save is having trouble.
On the level save meaning the career is ok, but something in the level is not right.
Here are the steps to try and repair your save:
Boot the game and identify if it is the career save or level save that has an error.
Back up your save.
On PC, follow this file path: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Two Point Studios\Two Point Museum\Cloud\XXXX (this folder is a series of numbers)\Saves
On Mac its: ~/Library/Application Support/com.twopointstudios.twopointmuseum/Cloud/XXXX (this represents a folder that is a series of numbers which is your Steam ID)
Copy the Saves folder and paste it somewhere safe, such as on your Desktop. Now you can make edits knowing the original copy can still be retrieved.Turn off Steam Cloud sync (if you use it). Steam cloud sync stores a copy of your save on one of Steam's servers. If you make changes without disabling this feature, Steam will overwrite your changes with the save in the cloud when you next start the game.
Return to your saves inside your Two Point Museum folder, and select the save slot that has corrupt files in it. Scroll down to the files called “career.csav”. Delete this and then rename “career.csav.2.bak” to “career.csav” (so just delete .2.bak). An error message will warn you not to change the file name, but it is ok to ignore. At this point, it’s possible that your save is fixed so boot TPM and check.
If you still have this warning when selecting your save slot in game, try and repeat the process using the remaining back up files. If none of them work, please let us know.
You may find that after restoring your career save, one of your levels is still corrupt. Close the game and return to the saves folder.
You now need to identify which level is corrupt. Here’s a list of our level codes:
Memento Mile - 1003
Passwater Cove - 1002
Wailon Lodge - 1005
Bungle Wasteland - 1004
Pebberley Heights - 1006
Crime Popup (Challenge) - 9001
Marketing Popup - 9000
Fish Breeding Popup - 9003
Delete the level save, and then rename the back up as with above e.g. remove .2.bak to recreate 1003.sav.
Check your game each time you attempt to restore a back up to see if it has worked.
If you’re happy, turn Steam Cloud Sync back on and close your game so that your changes are taken back into Steams servers.
Windows Account Permissions
Sometimes Windows accounts have odd permissions issues, which prevent your account writing to the 'temp' folder or game output folders, which can cause the game to crash on startup, and can also cause the game to give you a message "Failed to Save" with a description including "FileLocked". You'll likely have problems with other games if that's the case, if they put files in similar locations.
You could fix this by running the game as administrator. Go to the game's install folder (right click the game in Steam, choose 'Manage' then 'Browse local files'). This will bring up file explorer in the game's install folder. Right click "TPM.exe" and choose 'Properties'. This will bring up a window that says "TPM Properties". On the "Compatibility" tab, tick the box that says "Run this program as an administrator". Then hit OK. It might prompt you for an administrator password at this point.
Next time you start the game through Steam, it should run with administrator privileges, which should allow it access to these files, and it should boot and save ok!
Alternatively - you could try creating a new Windows account. By default, permissions on new accounts do allow the game to access the files it needs; but various issues (malware, windows bugs, bad IT admins) can cause these permissions to be set incorrectly, so a new account should fix them.
Resolution Settings
Steam players can attempt to change their Resolution settings via the settings menu. Sadly this is not possible on consoles (because they have their own settings applied).
Things to note:
Vsync enabled will limit the framerate, to access unlimited framerate, disable Vsync.
If the PC is struggling with Graphics performance (Jumpy or stuttery) lowering the resolution will help with being GPU bound (your Graphics is limiting frame rates because it is working hard to catch up with all of its current requests).
Here are the links for general console support. It’s worth checking them for any useful console specific suggestions.
Xbox Support - Game || Save
If you seem to be experiencing unusual performance drops but other users do not, it’s a good idea to clear your cache (this is a temporary storage area for frequently used data).
For Xbox:
Turn off your Xbox Series S/X and unplug it.
Unplug all accessories connected to the console
Leave the console unplugged for two minutes.
Press and hold the power button while the console is unplugged.
Reconnect the power cord.
Turn on your Xbox Series S/X.
For PS5:
Specific steps are in the support link above:
Place your PlayStation into safe mode.
How to enter safe mode:
Turn off your console by holding the power button for three seconds.
The power indicator blinks for a few moments before turning off.
Once the console is off, press and hold the power button again.
Release it after you hear the second beep — one beep sounds when you first press, and another seven seconds later.
Connect the controller with the USB cable and press the PS button on the controller.
There should now be an option for “Clear System Software Cache” within safe mode.
After doing step 6, you can exit safe mode by selecting the reboot option which will automatically boot you normally.
Still Stuck?
Jump on Discord - Our community is incredibly friendly and knowledgeable, they may know what your problem is.
If none of the above has helped, search the bugs forum (going live on 27.02.2025 from 16:00) and add your info to an existing report or create a new one for us.
If you see a bug that’s relevant to you, make sure to hit “follow” so that you are updated on its status.