I'm playing the game on PC and I keep seeing threads everywhere talking about patient bloat and how hospitals are getting overwhelmed, but I have literally never had this happen, to the point where the game is actually quite boring because there's no challenge at all once I've built all the cure rooms I need. What is it that's holding back my patient numbers?

I'm playing the second to last level of the base game and am working towards the third star. My reputation is maxed, I've bought all the plots and got all the cure rooms built but I've only got 68 patients in the entire hospital. It just makes the game dull.

Where is the patient bloat everyone talks about? I know there has been something to help fix what was considered a problem when the game first came out, but even more recent articles and threads still talk about the problem and I'm just not seeing it. My hospital looks empty and I really need some challenge!

What can I do to get my patient numbers up? I've tried running marketing campaigns, but they don't seem to do much, probably because my reputation is already maxed? Is there anything else I can do?