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need "Graduation Ceremony"

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7 months ago
Oct 19, 2023, 6:13:40 AM

The opening ceremony and graduation ceremony are the two most important moments for students; moreover, there are related ceremony scenes in your game PV. 

I think there are two ways to achieve this:

  1. Utilize the lecture theaters. In the schedule of lecture theaters, in addition to the movie event option, a "Ceremony" event option can also be opened; besides, the number of participants in the ceremony is related to the seating, not limited to 12 people. The cost is about 5000; however, as a return for this event, the school can gain higher reputation and attract more incoming students.
  2. Set such events in the new DLC. Set up a dance department or drama department, where the professional classrooms of these subjects are theaters that can seat many people. Ceremony events can be held here.

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