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Academic Rainbow Achievement not Unlocking Bug

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2 months ago
Dec 14, 2024, 3:51:46 PM

I have run all 17 courses across 2 playthroughs of the main game and in Sandbox mode and this achievement hasn't unlocked and is stuck at 15 out of 17 courses.

I have checked all course menus on each map where it states students graduated and all 17 main courses have had students graduate but it's still not given me the achievement in Steam

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2 months ago
Jan 2, 2025, 2:27:42 PM

Hi Starnovax,

Sorry to hear this! 

Can you please confirm that you have graduates in all of the below courses, I want to make sure that something from the DLC hasn't added to your totals (listed alphabetically):

  1. Academic Exercise
  2. Archaeology
  3. Countercultural Studies
  4. Dark Arts
  5. Funny Business
  6. Gastronomy 
  7. General Knowledge*
  8. Internet History
  9. Knight School
  10. Money Wangling
  11. Musicality
  12. Robotics
  13. School of Thought*
  14. Scientography
  15. Spy School
  16. Virtual Normality
  17. Wizardry

* These courses are unlocked via research.

Players with issues like this in the past have found that completing the attempt in one session can help trigger them.

I know it is frustrating, but if you set up a Sandbox game with maximum Cash and Course Points you could try and do this too. 



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a month ago
Jan 8, 2025, 6:08:13 PM

I have checked both my saves and all 17 courses have graduates including the ones you have to research. I ran each course at least twice on my second save.

I have also done a sandbox map where I did all 17 courses in one map and it states all of them have graduates

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