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Student is stuck

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3 years ago
Aug 11, 2022, 1:13:54 PM

One of my students is completely stuck. He has spent all year stood in the same spot. He is thirsty and bursting for the toilet. He cannot move. I tried building a room and then it flying him to a different spot. The flying to a different spot animation worked, but as soon as he landed, he was in the same, stationary position. He just stands there. He doesn't attend class and his grades are dropping. It's the end of the year and he's still just stood in the same spot. His grades will affect my average as I don't have that many students and I don't want to expel him and have that affect my university at the end of the year.

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3 years ago
Aug 11, 2022, 3:41:20 PM

I managed to get him to move by restarting my game four times. I didn't know what else to do but keep restarting because he had dropped from an A+ student to a D and almost all his needs bars were completely empty and it was affecting my stats, like I said before, so I just kept restarting my games in the hopes it fixed itself ha. In the end, it sort of did? However, once he moved again, he would only satisfy his need for thirst. He refused to sleep and refused to shower. This meant, every time he tried to do an animation for moving, studying, sitting down, changing room (etc) he would take a step, and then do the animation of him swatting the flies and his thought would turn to "filthy" and he'd forget where he was moving to, poor fellow. It happened literally every other second until the moment he graduated. I took a screenshot of the guy, where he was stuck and what his stats were like. Also happy to share any file stuff you guys may need if you want it. Thanks for replying so fast - loving the game so far just hoping you can fix these kind of bugs to make the game even better!

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3 years ago
Aug 11, 2022, 3:43:13 PM

Would you be able to send me the savefile where you are seeing the issue? This may help with us figuring out what went wrong.

You can find your TPC folder with your save file here; C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\LocalLow\Two Point Studios\ 

Glad you are enjoying the game! Hope to get this fixed as soon as we figure out why!

Many thanks,


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3 years ago
Aug 12, 2022, 8:22:11 AM

It happened to another one of my students today - he is my only student ever to fail :( Different university, different course, same issue. He's still there (he's just "graduated" but of course he has failed so he didn't actually graduate). I will move on to a different university now too so he stays there (if you want to see the bug in action). I'll drop an updated version of my save file now. I will also upload screenshots of both instances where this has happened incase that's useful.

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3 years ago
Aug 12, 2022, 8:32:08 AM

Okay it won't let me upload the new zip file... the website keeps saying "something went wrong please try again". I tried refreshing the page, closing my browser, restarting my machine, changing the name of the zip file etc and same error message comes up. Is there an email I could send it to?

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3 years ago
Aug 13, 2022, 8:01:25 AM

Hi Alexander,

I have sent you guys an email - please let me know if there's anything else you need.


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2 years ago
Nov 5, 2022, 2:12:54 PM

Hi, is there any updates to the issue?  I'm experiencing this same problem but with like 5 students stuck in the same spot, not moving exactly like the screenshot above. Im playing on M1 Max btw. 

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2 years ago
Nov 7, 2022, 10:35:32 AM

Hi monochromatix,

Sorry to hear you have this issue.

At this time the only sure fire way to remove a stuck student is to restart the level from the beginning. 

Some players have found that selecting the student and forcing them to do something else (such as go to private tuition) can help, but this is not 100% effective. 

In any of the instances you listed, is there a common factor? Are all students stuck because of the same thing? 

We will continue to work on this issue, so if you have any additional information that might help, please let me know. 

Thanks for your patience,


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2 years ago
Jan 3, 2023, 5:39:20 PM

i just got my game and i'm playing the first map on 2 stars.

one of the student is stuck for me as well, he failed and got expelled on it's own.

i've tried placing stuff so he'll move but he only moves a small bit and remains.

guess i'll head on to the next map since nothing can be done and i can't get my 3 stars :( 

edit: forgot to mention that i play on pc

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jan 10, 2023, 6:33:41 PM

Playing on PC had/have the same issue.

Work around I've found that works:

  1. Pause Time
  2. Quick Save
  3. Delete the entire building the student is stuck in, if they are not in a building you'll have to experiment with which building to delete
  4. Immediately Quick Load
  5. Student becomes unstuck after quick load
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2 years ago
Jun 17, 2023, 5:12:02 PM

Tremblor's solution worked for me. I had one dude who was starving, filthy, needing a wee, and graduated, however was stuck in the library stinking up the place. I was able to send him on his way without a problem.  Thanks for that! 

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a year ago
Sep 1, 2023, 7:02:38 PM

A year later and this is still going on? 

I've now had it happen twice. The first time was near the end of their third year so they graduated before flunking out. I had to reload the game to get them to actually leave the campus. This time it's on the medical campus and she's standing outside. All Needs bars empty except health and toilet. Tried putting items on top of her, no effect. Can't exactly delete "outside" so I'm stuck with her. I'm 7 years into the level, so I'm not starting over. Besides, there's no guarantee it won't happen again anyway. This is an obnoxious bug that's messing up a really great game.

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a year ago
Sep 4, 2023, 9:41:01 AM

Hi Veldugar,

Sorry to hear that this bug is upsetting for you. I completely understand your frustration. 

Whilst we still don't know the exact cause for why NPCs get stuck, we have been doing what we can to resolve it. With recent updates, it now seems that NPCs unstick with a Quick Save/Load so you shouldn't need to fully restart the level anymore.

Are you on Steam? If a Quick Save/Load doesn't work, please let me know. In such a scenario I will request your save as this would be a great opportunity for us to dig deeper into the problem. 

Thanks for your patience,


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a year ago
Sep 14, 2023, 3:06:41 PM

Hi This bug is till happening

Will this issue be resolves or should I just keep restarting the game when I notice it?

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a year ago
Sep 15, 2023, 9:34:22 AM

Hi liyasis,

Sorry to hear this is affecting you! 

As I mention in my post above, we're still not certain of the exact cause for some NNPCs getting stuck, but we have been adding fixes that reduce the frequency. We are also seeing now that a Quick Save/Load usually unsticks an NPC, so a full restart shouldn't be necessary.

Thanks for your patience,


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