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Controls on xbox went wonky

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11 days ago
Sep 5, 2024, 3:58:30 PM

I've been playing on series s just fine until yesterday. Controls have been hard to use. Can barely move around the screen, doesn't really let me zoom in and out, and creating a room, I can't hold down and extend the room. I have to do it square by square. Until the door pops up and I have to keep exiting the door to make the room bigger. I've restarted my Xbox. Unplugged it. Un-installed and reinstalled. I went into other games and the controls seem to work fine. It's become frustrating.

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10 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 7:12:03 AM

Just signed up to say I'm having this exact same issue (just on series X). Last played the game about a year ago with no problems, decided to start up again recently and find the game unplayable.

One thing I've noticed with the camera is that if I don't push the stick all the way it works fine, as soon as the stick hits the edge movement stops. This makes it some what more playable but doesn't solve the issue with holding a to drag out a room which is, for me, the most irritating part.

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