We’re really sorry, but a small number of Mac users have reported that the update from this morning has caused their saves to go missing.
We’re doing everything possible to figure out what is causing the problem. We are confident that saves are not being fully wiped, but we are still looking into it.
If you have been affected, please send me your Two Point Campus Folder, here’s how:
Open a Finder Window and chose "Go To Folder" from the Go Menu (https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/mac-help/mchlp1236/mac). Enter the following path: ~/Library/Application Support/ Find the folder called com.twopointstudios.com/twopointcampus. Zip this folder and send it to me using campus.support@twopointstudios.com.
As some of you have seen, the issue is that the game is creating/reading from a new folder. We're not sure why this happened, but we're testing some fixes now to make it read from the original location.
If you want to play whilst you wait for our fix, you will need to copy your game save from the com.twopointstudios.twopointcampus into com.Two-Point-Studios.Two-Point-Campus. Bare in mind that you will then need to do this the other way round once the patch is launched, other wise you will lose progress.
Here are the required steps for the workaround:
Locate the original save folder: ~/Library/Application Support/com.twopointstudios.twopointcampus/Cloud/XXXX (this represents a folder that is a series of numbers which is your Steam ID).
Copy the numbered Steam ID folder.
Paste onto your desktop so that you have it backed up and then continue.
If you use Steam Cloud sync, turn this off.
Locate the new Two Point Campus Folder: ~/Library/Application Support/com.Two-Point-Studios.Two-Point-Campus /Cloud
If you launched the game previously, the Cloud folder may have already populated your Steam ID Folder. If this is the case, delete it and then paste the Steam ID folder copied from the previous location into the new Cloud Folder.
Launch Campus and check that your save is working.
If you are happy, you can save/quit and then turn Steam Cloud sync back on.
We're sorry again for the inconvenience, we'll get this fixed as soon as possible!
If you followed the work around to transfer your save to the new folder (com.Two-Point-Studios.Two-Point-Campus), you will need to copy your save back to the original folder (com.twopointstudios.twopointcampus) so that you don't lose progress.
Don't forget to turn off cloud sync when doing this either!
Really sorry for the inconvenience. Let me know if you still have any problems.
@asherah If you didn't follow the workaround, you should be able to update and play without any hiccups. Please try this and let me know if you need more help.
Can you tell me if you used the workaround to copy files from the original folder to the new one accidently created with the update?
If so, please turn off cloud sync and then take the save from com.Two-Point-Studios.Two-Point-Campus and paste it into com.twopointstudios.twopointcampus. Your save should then be recognised.
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