I will chat to the team at mod.io to see if they know why this might be happening.
So that we can investigate our end too, would you mind sending across your Two Point Campus folder? To do so follow this navigation path in file explorer: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Two Point Studios\Two Point Campus. Once located, "Zip" the folder up (right click and you should see the option) and then send it as an attachment to campus.support@twopointstudios.com
Can you also include a DXDiag? The steps for this are in the following link: https://support.sega.co.uk/hc/en-us/articles/201556491-Creating-a-DXDIAG-Report
Please add a description of the problem and a link to this thread when you send your email.
Knight of the Realm
Knight of the Realm
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Why do you report SuumikoHime?
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Knight of the Realm
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Why do you report TwoPointChizel?
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Knight of the Realm
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Knight of the Realm
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Why do you report TwoPointChizel?
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Knight of the Realm
Knight of the Realm
1 900g2g ptsReport comment
Why do you report SuumikoHime?
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Knight of the Realm
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Knight of the Realm
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Why do you report TwoPointChizel?
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Why do you report ChippeEmma?
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Knight of the Realm
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Knight of the Realm
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Why do you report TwoPointChizel?
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