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Any DLC Plans for 2024

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4 months ago
Jun 16, 2024, 11:41:31 PM

Hello Two Point Community,

GentleSTREAM20 here. And I have some very important questions to ask the Two Point County team. One, Do you have any plans for more DLC packs later this year? Because WHY THE HELL would you make a game about going to college, if you don’t have ANY ART SCHOOLS?!?!?! Where are the Painting classes? The Filmmaking classes? The Drama classes? The Costume Making classes? You’re seriously making a game about going to university, and for some reason you didn’t add ANY ART SCHOOLS beforehand???? You invested more time on a literal barebone Paranormal DLC pack with one measly ghostsbuster school, than investing in the fine arts.  And that’s just the beginning of this TEDTalk. 

Next, give us something new other than stupid challenges. We’ve been suggesting second story buildings and staircases, new decorative items (rugs, paintings, food stalls, vending machines, seating, beds, etc.), Let us customize our staff even further like new hairstyles and skin colors, new themes, new rooms, new jobs for staff, new clubs, and so much more. Because even though we like the items that are already present in the game, WE ARE GETTING BORED!!!! I don’t want see 85% of my staff members all having the same ugly triangle wigs in four different colors. There are so many more stuff that could benefit the game and keep the players interested, and all weave been getting are new challenge modes? WHY????

Finally, WHY👏ARE👏YOU👏PEOPLE👏NOT👏FIXING👏YOUR👏GAME!!!!👏 You’ve been receiving complaints about frequent crashing and bugs from us players for years now, AND you’re not gonna to fix that? YOU WERE ACQUIRED BY SEGA FOR GODSAKE!!!! I don’t know if you are currently understaffed, busy with other projects, experience technical difficulties, or what, but I’m sick of the same old “We’re currently investigating and are working on fixing it” BS every single time someone brings this up. I give my sincere condolences to your social media team for having to work overtime trying to calm down your already frustrated players that are the reason YOU ARE MAKING MONEY!!!! BE PREPARED!!! Let me give you a lecture, because FYI your players aren’t stupid and you know that. We can tell if something when something is off with your product. You as the company are respond for keeping your fan base happy so that you can continue to line your wallets with cash. Got it? GOOD!!! Now MAKE IT WORK!!! MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!! I DON’T  WANNA HEAR ANYMORE GODDAMN EXCUSES, ANYMORE!!!! 

Now, with all that being said. I may look like I’m asking for too much. And to some extent, maybe I was. However, we the player base have fallen in love with the game and it is so much fun to play and create our own universities. However, we are not going to stand around and let you lot neglect this game any further. Because, what you’re doing now is unacceptable and you are losing your players who invested in you by not fixing your game to prevent crashes and bugs and not adding anything new and exciting. Please Two Point Studios, we have 6 more months to go and we know you can do better. This is your opportunity to make things right. Thank you for taking time to read this, sorry it was a lot, but I said what needed to be said. 



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4 months ago
Jun 17, 2024, 8:39:38 AM

Hello Two Point Community,

gentleSTREAM20 here, I know that there was a lot that went into my rant. I’m so sorry about that, I just needed to blow off some steam and vent for a bit, but I have calmed down and came back to make some clarifications about the topics I’ve mentioned in a much better and relaxed tone. 

First, I know that they have added new stuff in their DLC packs, and to some extent that is fine and they look cool. However, we still have the same boring bedding options for the dorm rooms, the same four vending machines, the same basic rugs with very little customization, along with so many other things. And even though there are modded versions of those items I have just mentioned, a lot of people have been experiencing more frequent crashes as a result of subscribing to the mod and it’s so frustrating for the player trying to figure out which mod is doing the damage. I believe that if you were to put in a ton more customization options for your preexisting stuff, then people wouldn’t need to resort to Mods as much that for some reason are crashing the game.

Second, while I do think the challenges campuses and the ones from the three DLC packs are (again) cool, I was wondering on when we can expect an Art School DLC. Like how about three schools that focus on visual arts such as Acting School, Fashion School, and an Art Academy would be really cool and fun editions to the game. Also, why not let us stack the. Rooms on top of each other to create storied buildings to save us space. Also, add new rooms, new staff jobs, add cheerleading, like there are so many more things that could’ve been added to the game earlier in the year rather than just a brand new challenge. 

Lastly, I do appreciate the effort they put into the game and I know that I’m not on the team, so I clearly don’t know what is going on or how things are done or how many employees they have. Also, I am aware that there’s a lot that goes behind the scenes that is too complicated for the average player. However, with that being said, when your fans have been constantly complaining about their devices keep crashing and the yet nothing has been done about it, people are going to really think that you’ve given up on the game. And that’s not fair for the players who have invested their time and money into playing your game. I just want the team to start living to its promise because this is a really fun game to play, but it’s starting to get pretty lackluster and laggy. So I hope that new exciting content and updates would be coming soon. Thank you for investing your time reading this (again).



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