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2 months ago Aug 14,2024, 14:07:08 PM

Two Point Museum | Wishlist Now

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Welcome, Curators!

Have you ever wanted to build your very own museum, full of awesome (and silly, of course) wonders from across the world of Two Point County? Well, Two Point Studios is immensely proud to announce our next instalment: Two Point Museum!

Wishlist now: Steam, Xbox X|S, PlayStation 5

Let's dig into things, shall we?

As fledgling curators, your mission is to breathe new life into the County's museums while uncovering intriguing lost artefacts from around the globe... and beyond! Unlike previous Two Point games where you focused on one spot, this time you can advance your career across multiple Acts, revisiting each exciting location with new developments, thrilling discoveries, and charming décor as your campaign unfolds. 

Exploring for exhibits reads the red embossed plaque, surrounded by the expedition helicopter holding a create, and a Wetlantis boat.

The design and management of your expanding museum is in your hands! Coordinate a team of partially trained Experts who’ll embark on Expeditions to hunt for rare and mostly well-preserved artefacts. With varied survey locations to choose from, you’re set to kick-start a museum career unique to you. When (and let’s hope not if) your Experts return from their adventure, proudly display their fantastic finds in your museum.

A short gif shows the expedition flow in Two Point Museum, you browse the map to select a point of interest, and an expert then takes off in the expedition helicopter, hopefully returning some time later with a crate in tow containing their discovery. Finally, the gif shows a partial skeleton being complete, a multi-leg long dinosaur skeleton is decorated in a sandy museum area with a mural and tusks.

But your responsibilities don’t end there; it’s super important your Exhibits are kept in tip-top condition! While some Experts are gallivanting the globe, you’ll be busy managing the team back home to ensure everything runs smoothly.

If watching your beloved carnivorous Chomper plant isn’t enough excitement, there are pesky thieves to be on the lookout for, so it might be worthwhile investing in some security measures. And let's not forget about the more frequent little visitors-children! They can be pretty inquisitive so sometimes end up touching or messing with the displays, so having plenty of guards around to watch over your prized collection, alongside staff to maintain things, is a smart move.

A Two Point Museum screenshot shows a small child who's climbed onto a large fossilised foot print, they look worried in the direction of a museum expert, who has their back turned cleaning a fossilised fish. The museum has a red carpet laid on top of reflective marble tiles.

As the Curator, the direction your growing museum takes is entirely in your hands! Will your experts trudge begrudgingly through Tar Pits to piece together a Unihornus skeleton, brave the chilly winter wilderness for new frozen finds, or search dense thickets for terrific botanical samples? You’ll choose where the next adventure leads you.

An overhead screenshot of Two Point Museum, showing a lush area surrounding large dinosaur skeletons. A security guard is busy apprehending a thief, who has their arms raised above their head, the guard is holding a large pepper mill.

White text reads designosaurs on a green embossed plaque, that's shiny and metallic. On the left is a hot water balloon; like a hot air balloon however instead the basket is a small boat held afloat by a flapping puffer fish. On the right is a unihornus skeleton, its neck curves around the plaque, and the skull has flat herbivore's teeth and a horn like a unicorn.

Get creative to design your museum layout your way! You have decorative freedom, so with your next exhibit in mind, you’ll consider the flow of the museum to build the best guest experience possible. Have fun decorating to form snazzy thematic areas, creating internal walls that guide your guests throughout their visit.

Get creative with colour and carpet as you lovingly arrange each prehistoric fern, potentially melting iceman, and skeletal dinosaur wherever you think they’ll shine.

A gif cuts between differently designed museums, some with different layouts using the custom internal wall tool. Others have red carpets, some reflective marble, others wooden floors or purple carpets. The next cuts show the wall tool in action, with thematic archways, then the colour-picking tool showing a rainbow of options, and finally the flooring tool, which has a fill tool, line tool and triangle placement.

Once you’ve established the perfect atmosphere, it’s time to organise guided tours with custom routes led by one of your charismatic Experts. Tours are just the thing to elevate your guests' experience. To keep everyone enthused on the journey, showcase exhibits buzzing with excitement - the ones that boast the highest quality, information and decoration. Remember to maintain that all-important cohesion, and be mindful not to let tours go on too long; otherwise, your guests might leave feeling tired.

An overhead of a bustling museum, with a red carpet walkway for guests. The museum boasts large dinosaur exhibits, including a long-tailed unihornus and sharpontops with large heads. A children's green interactive display with a slide, and frozen exhibits such as a fridge, cave person and bee hive. The green expedition helicopter has taken off and is flying towards the camera.

Guestertainment reads an orange embossed plaque, surrounded by a shield turtle exhibit and a haunted doll.

Guests know best! Whilst the various types of guests who frequent your museum have different interests, they do have some things in common… they expect the place to be kept clean, have plenty of refreshments, ample toilets, and a gift shop filled with goodies. And, of course, they need to be dazzled with knowledge of your Exhibits, which best be kept well-maintained…

A gif pans over different exhibits and guests, a kid jumps in excitement seeing a dinosaur preserved in amber, as they're wearing a cute plant onsie. A guest eats a bright red hot dog from a hot dog tree, a frozen fish dethaws and flops on the floor, a palindrome dinosaurs with heads on both ends and a security guard walking through a staff only door.

Two Point County will bring a variety of guests to your museum, and they all hope to discover their new favourite Exhibit. From dino fanatics and botany buffs to haunted horror seekers, you’ll need to cater to their personal preferences to meet their needs. By exceeding their expectations, you can keep them engaged, leading to longer visits, increased donations, and glowing reviews!

A small child in a green hoodie has their arms spread wide as they hug the skull of a large towering unihornus dinosaur skeleton. The kid has their eyes closed with a slight smile. The unihornus is a long necked four legged dino with a horn much like a unicorn. Their head is resting on the floor, and they have a full set of herbivore's teeth in a little grin


🦕 Curate and design your very own museum!
🚁 Explore on expeditions to discover new exhibits
🔧 Enhanced management - provide guest tours, optimise prices and organise staff zones
🎡 Excite guests by providing top-notch entertainment and useful exhibit information
🦝 Manage mayhem - care for carnivorous plants and deter thieves whilst maintaining your museum

🎨 Creative freedom - build internal walls, customise item colours, splash paint and lay carpet as you lovingly arrange each prehistoric fern

How can I see MORE and stay up to date on Two Point Museum???

Well, that would be amazingly kind of you! We'd absolutely love if you'd come and join us and our community for a chat, or to lurk and watch things unfold! We can be found on all of the top channels (bar carrier pigeon*, sorry), so pick your favourites: Discord, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook

Keen to see more? Not only will we have a playable demo at Gamescom but we're also doing a deep dive reveal in partnership with Xbox!! So keep your eyes peeled next week. If you're lucky enough to attend, make sure to say hi to Executive Producer Jo & Design Director Husky in Köln next weekend!

We're overwhelmingly Buzzed to tell you more, there's SO MUCH we want to show off. Be sure to wishlist the game and we'll talk soon (:

With love and TONNES of excitement,

- Abby (Junior Community Manager)
*look! a Two Point pigeon 😊
A cute pigeon with wide eye sits atop a brick fence divider, it stares into the camera for a little bit before flapping away.

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2 months ago
Aug 14, 2024, 2:39:41 PM

Buzzing. This sounds like the old theme park games which I absolutely loved.
Graphics look stunning

And love the idea of expeditions and being able to meaningfully revisit and improve locations.
Kudo, very excited

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2 months ago
Aug 14, 2024, 5:25:03 PM

It looks really, really good. Can't wait to begin building a museum.

Will it be levels with one museum on each level or is it one museum throughout the game?

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2 months ago
Aug 14, 2024, 6:12:31 PM

So excited for another amazing outing into Tow Point County!!!! I can't wait!! Keep up the GREAT work!!! Form a fellow game designer over here at Ubisoft. 

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2 months ago
Aug 14, 2024, 7:03:55 PM

So annoyed this is not on Nintendo Switch!!! I do not use other games consoles so please rectify this as I love the Two Point games and the fact you have not thought about the many of us who play on Nintendo Switch is so disappointing!!!

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2 months ago
Aug 14, 2024, 7:06:29 PM

JodieNiz wrote:

Looking forward to this as always however no switch.............

Yup.....I am so disappointed! Unless they bring it to Nintendo Switch I wont be able to play it!! With you on this, so annoyed as we had the teasers something new was coming

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2 months ago
Aug 15, 2024, 9:41:58 AM

Really looking forward to this, have enjoyed both the previous games. Though a total beg from me. I love folklore, cryptids, etc, will there be anything that coves this in the game or future updates? 

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2 months ago
Aug 15, 2024, 2:07:25 PM

Bonne idée, je m'en doutais un peu avec les fouilles archéologiques dans Campus, ils avaient déjà l'idée !! Hâte de jouer à nouveau dans le comté :)

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