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2 years ago Jun 07,2023, 15:51:50 PM

May Community Round Up!


Hey everyone!

Welcome back! In this, our latest Community Round-Up, we’ll be introducing some chaos! For anyone who’s missed it, over the past few weeks the community has been sabotaging our dev streams… how dare they? Don’t worry if you missed out, we’ll dive into what exactly a sabotage stream is here, alongside some highlights from across May.


Steam Modding Release
We were very excited to bring modding over to Windows players on Steam! Not only can you browse item mods in-game, but if you’re feeling creative you’re able to mod your own items. Check out all the modded items on offer over on mod.io.

For players over on Linux and Mac, at this time, only picture and poster mods will work on Mac and Linux. We are working on getting the functionality for other items to work ASAP! This release was one of the next milestones needed before modding is out for players across all platforms.

Interested in hearing more? Let's catch you up with what’s happened so far, check out the full modding blog here.

Community Votes
We know how popular the hamster was, so that got us wondering what else your community folks would choose to battle it out. Over May we hosted two votes, first, what sort of content pack would the community like? 

Our gut told us the Cafeteria would be a fan favourite! We’ve seen requests for some alternative eateries, and you flooded our votes to choose the Cafeteria, which is on the drawing board right now, ready to land in-game in future. Personally? I can’t believe you aren’t all surviving on Gubbins alone… what more could you need?

Then we opened up the most ultimate of ultimate showdowns (part 2) asking you to once again choose your favourite item types. You’ve gone and chosen Indoor Items again, and we’ve only just about quelled the previous Robot Bin uprising, so you better all be careful what sort of election-based feud kicks off this time. We’ll be back with part 2 of the part 2 poll soon, with some lovely item concepts for you all to enjoy, once you’ve selected your favourite, that item will get added in-game - just like the adorable hamster.

Developer Stream Highlights

Introducing: Sabotage Streams
Our weekly developer stream has always had a touch of chaos, so we thought, why not amp it up to a WHOLE new level? We’ve handed the reigns over to you lovely folks in the community, giving you deciding power over how much of an easy ride we get during the live stream. 

Through the power of chat democracy, you get to vote: help or sabotage? Then, depending on what wins, a new vote opens up to choose precisely how helpful or evil you’re all feeling. Do you want to give us a hand? Vote to pause the game or slow time, wanna see something funny? Sabotage us with an oven mitt or blindfold!

So far we’ve all had a go at Gradeyard Shift, now not only do you get to sabotage us (you meanies), but you can also jump into our Discord to vote for which challenge mode we’ll face off.

We’ll be going live with Sabotage Streams every week until we declare a dev winner! So keep an eye on the leaderboard because whoever gets ahead first is due a little bit of chaos, don’t you think?

This month’s highlight goes to Kris and his “customary” blindfold test, whilst everyone (including Chizel) would expect the usual, innocent “How many fingers am I holding up?”. Kris, however, chose something a little different...

Alongside a lot of silliness, our streams come with top tips and even dev insights with first looks at new content! So, remember, you can tune in every Thursday at 14:00 UTC (15:00 BST, thanks, daylight savings) to relax and have some fun with our team.

Community Creations

We wanted to highlight these awesome builds from our Discord, from two community members who are taking a completely opposite approach to Campus-builds! Which do you prefer? Constructing a compact “perfect” campus, playing until the plot is full, or the small, quaint match-box campus, with neatly arranged buildings? 

That's all for this month! Keep your eye on our social channels for more updates, and we'll see you soon!

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2 years ago
Jun 12, 2023, 8:00:29 PM

With help or sabotage can we vote to finally help the Switch release since you guys have been sabotaging it since launch? 

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