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2 years ago May 10,2023, 09:42:09 AM

Steam Modding Out Now!

2 800 Views

Heyo folks!

Hope you’re all having a fab week! You might remember a little while ago we announced modding was in the works. Well, we’ve been busy working alongside the lovely folks over at mod.io to bring cross-platform modding to Two Point Campus.

Now we’re here with a very exciting update for you all, we’re delighted that Steam players on Windows are now able to begin experimenting and subscribing to mods in the latest Steam update! This is our next step in getting modding up and running for you all to enjoy, we can’t wait to see what you create, and what your favourite items are!

For players over on Linux and Mac, at this time, only picture and poster mods will work on Mac and Linux. We are working on getting the functionality for other items to work ASAP! Now, let's catch you up with what’s happened so far, shall we?

Over the last few weeks, awesome students over at UCA have been working with us to create their own item mods! As part of their course, they’ve been learning how to use modding tools to customise textures and models to create their very own in-game items. You’ll be able to check out their creations and have them in-game, but more on that later.

Modding then entered a Steam beta a few weeks ago, for anyone interested in getting a sneak peek at the new modding tools. Now all Steam Windows players can access the Mods menu in-game, and use player-created items, or even make their own. 

This beta is the next step in getting modding up and running for everyone to enjoy across consoles and PC in Two Point Campus. For the folks playing over on console, in our next steps we're working on getting the modding features over to you as soon as possible.

How can I download mods?

Note: Before using modded items, we recommend you create a backup of your save files*. 

First, get Two Point Campus updating on Steam, and whilst you wait head over to mod.io to create an account. You can browse all the lovely mods on offer over on the mod.io website, or (excitingly) in-game in the new Mods menu!

To use modded items in-game, load up the game and click the new ‘Mods’ tab on the main menu. Here you’ll be able to browse all the current mods. When you hit subscribe on an item you’ll be prompted to log into your mod.io account. Follow the steps, and once you’ve logged in once, you’re good to go ahead and subscribe to ALL the items you like!

Your subscribed items will download whilst you’re in the main menu, and a little pop up will show once installing is done!

Unsubscribing from mods or deleting the mod’s files will cause any in-game items to revert back to a default Two Point Campus item, so your game save won’t be missing any items, this automatic reverting is to prevent any errors from popping up.

How can I create my own?

You’ll need a few things before you get started, there’s a handy guide for the initial setup, which includes installing Unity (the game engine we use) alongside setting up the modding project. 

If you get stuck at any point, we’ll do what we can to help out. Modding is all about the community after all! So join our Discord and jump in, no question is silly or not worth asking, plus you can share what you’re working on with the community!

We have a load of guides to help you out on the journey. To get started modding, you can change our ‘Geometric Canvas’ with an image of your choice, like your favourite cat!

You’ll be able to do texture swaps to change things like the image on a poster, or you can fully replace the mesh (skin) of an item with something of your own. If you have a cool idea for a chair, go right ahead and swap your concept with one of our existing ones! We have guides to get you going with this, you can try customising a plant before moving on to choosing your own item meshes to mod.

Please have a read of our best practices for modding, this is particularly handy if you want to share your mods for other players to use!

Currently, the focus is on modding items, we’re working to potentially add things like wallpaper or floor customisations.

*Backing up your save files:

This is an optional step just to be extra cautious in case something goes wrong. Remember, modded items are user-made, and whilst items go through an approval step before going live, each system is different, so if at any point your game runs into issues, always try unsubscribing from mods.

To back up your save: 

  1. Open File Explorer and navigate to: C:\Users\[Your username]\

  2. You need the ‘AppData’ folder which may be hidden, in File Explorer you can type: \AppData after your username or click ‘View’ and check the “Hidden Items” box for the folder to appear

  3. Open the LocalLow folder, then Two Point Studios, and finally Two Point Campus

  4. Your save file is in the Cloud folder, open it then copy the Save folder, and paste it into a safe location somewhere else on your PC.

  5. If you get stuck at any time, this is where my Saves folder lives: C:\Users\TwoPointAbby\AppData\LocalLow\Two Point Studios\Two Point Campus\Cloud\1443752633\Saves

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2 years ago
Aug 16, 2023, 4:18:23 PM

What happened to mods.io and modding coming to console like was announced back in november https://www.twopointstudios.com/en/post/modding-will-be-coming-to-two-point-campus-we-need-you-0  I mean come on 9 months have passed where is the modding on console ???

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2 years ago
Aug 18, 2023, 5:42:53 PM

Can we get an answer ?? I mean on every topic we get completely ignored and no where do we get answers not even in the ideas and feedback topics. What happened to the good communication there was last year at launch ???

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2 years ago
Aug 23, 2023, 3:39:16 PM

Does anyone from Two Point even pay attention to the forums ??? No where are we getting answers in any topic. What happened to the awesome communication we had when the game launched ???? Months pass without answers.

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a year ago
Sep 27, 2023, 3:24:24 AM
Patrickb1973 wrote:

Does anyone from Two Point even pay attention to the forums ??? No where are we getting answers in any topic. What happened to the awesome communication we had when the game launched ???? Months pass without answers.

Have you tried their Discord? Some times that is easier for developers to provide support quicker

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