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3 years ago Aug 09,2022, 14:05:24 PM

Two Point Campus OUT NOW!

2 259 Views

Hello everyone!

We are extremely excited to announce... Two Point Campus is OUT NOW on PC and console! (omgomgomgomg)

That's right folks, the wait is over! So go build your dream universities, shape the lives of your students and try out a range of our wild and wonderful courses!

This is just the beginning for Two Point Campus, much like our last game, Two Point Hospital, we'll be supporting Campus with updates and new content in the future. We want to make sure you're always having the absolute BEST time while playing, so we'll always be listening for your feedback and making changes to the game with you in mind. Which leads us quite nicely into this:

Ideas & Feedback

If you've got some awesome ideas for the game, we want to hear it! Head over the Ideas and Suggestions forum to tell us all about it them.


Two Point Campus is SUPER creative, your university is always going to look very different to other peoples. So please use the Screenshots forum to show us what you're making! We'll even be featuring some of them on our social channels. 


It's possible you might find something weird in the game (not cool weird, but like bug weird)! If you do, please take a look at the Bugs section for details on how to tell us about problems you're encountering with the game. 

Talk to us (pleeeeaaaaaase, we like you)

Use our Official Forum (you're here now!) to chat to us and other Two Point fans around the globe! This is the BEST place to talk to us, and there's a lot of lovely players here too - make friends, and enjoy yourselves in the most super awesome community you've ever seen! 

We hope you have an amazing time building your universities and meeting your new students! We're here to help, so please feel free to chat to us about anything and everything Two Point! 

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3 years ago
Sep 3, 2022, 4:01:14 PM

Just expelled my first student for stealing from my vending machine does anyone think that was a bit mean?? 

Who cares.  i'm loving this game as i'm sure everyone else is too.

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3 years ago
Aug 31, 2022, 6:53:58 PM

Please more girl coded characters!! I absolutely love this game but want to name some characters after my friends and I but there are so few girls or people with long hair ?

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3 years ago
Aug 13, 2022, 2:06:12 AM
Ellio23 wrote:
Ellio23 wrote:

Anyone having trouble buying it for switch! Nintendo is saying it’s not available yet! Any help much appreciated! Thank you. ?

Have been trying to buy/ pre order since last week, but no joy. Thought for sure I could get it today. ?

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3 years ago
Aug 9, 2022, 8:44:37 PM
Ellio23 wrote:

Anyone having trouble buying it for switch! Nintendo is saying it’s not available yet! Any help much appreciated! Thank you. ?

Have been trying to buy/ pre order since last week, but no joy. Thought for sure I could get it today. ?

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3 years ago
Aug 9, 2022, 8:40:36 PM

Anyone having trouble buying it for switch! Nintendo is saying it’s not available yet! Any help much appreciated! Thank you. ?

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3 years ago
Aug 9, 2022, 6:17:04 PM

Installed and settings fixed how I like 'em. :D

Currently listening to this lovely menu music, ♡ while preparing everything so I can be glued to my seat all night. XD 

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3 years ago
Aug 9, 2022, 5:26:34 PM


Would you please be kind to help me, as I can't redeem the golden toilet on the Switch. Thank you in advance x 

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