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Improving employee happiness

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6 days ago
Mar 5, 2025, 11:46:52 AM

Hi guys! I have a question regarding employee happiness. For the quest "Plants Need Water," I need a happiness level of 75%, but I can't reach it. Do you have any tips or ideas for me? The tips that worked in the last two games aren't helping me improve happiness much.

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5 days ago
Mar 5, 2025, 1:24:14 PM

Hi, I struggled with this one for a while until I realised the Stink Plant emits a scent which raises Happiness by 15% for 3 days. So, I kept putting the staff with the lowest Happiness onto a break to raise the baseline, while putting many staff with higher Happiness % to the Stink Plant - all at the same time - so it tipped the balance to all staff over 75%. Kept dropping those staff near the plant continually as the 3 days dropped off, until the 75% was reached. Didn't need to raise salaries, but I did train some staff to help it along.

Hope this makes sense, good luck!

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5 hours ago
Mar 10, 2025, 8:30:08 PM

Easiest way is to raise salaries. From the Salary screen you can quickly give raises to employees and see how happy they will be (I go for the dark green smiley when trying to reach happiness goals).

Make sure employees don't have empty training slots. The longer they go without training, the unhappier they become. There's also a "skill" to boost happiness by 10%.

Also selecting individual employees will let you know what they need. Put down lots of drinking fountains and benches (addresses thirst and need for rest), and having a lot of trash bins (keeps rooms clean so people don't get the temporary "Rubbish" trait). Boosting the environment score with decorations and speakers, and maximizing room decoration scores to Level 5 should also maximize their environment happiness.

Having more employees than you need also means staff can spend more time taking care of needs.

You can try to hire employees with certain happiness triggers (especially the one that gives a happiness boost for drinking coffee).

All of this helped in previous Two Point games. But quite frankly the easiest way I found was to just boost the salaries. It might be daunting but whenever I've done this I haven't taken a serious hit to my monthly income, and you can easily offset any hits by raising any "Good" prices (tickets, gift shop, cafeteria, etc.) to "Fair" prices, starting an additional tour, and making sure guests' dream goals are being met (imo the easiest one is Children, who seemingly always want to interact with 5 interactive exhibits and they will shell out $10k when they've done so).

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