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1. When I meet a shiny objective for stickers, the golden border to the sticker butts (barely) into the sticker name and description text immediately to the right of the sticker. Consider creating a little more space between the sticker and the text to the right.
2. Typos or grammatical suggestions in stickers:
a. "Guests" sticker: there seems to be an extra space in front of "Buzz" in the second paragraph "As guests gain Buzz..."
b. "Donations" sticker:
i. First paragraph "Once a guest gain enough Buzz..." should change gain to gains
ii. Third paragraph "However, guess can only make..." should change guess to guests
c. "Exhibit Maintenance" sticker: second paragraph "...exhibits have a Grubbiness vale which..." should change vale to value
d. "Expeditions" sticker:
i. First paragraph " your collection, they're essential for..." the comma should be replaced by a semicolon
ii. Second paragraph "...assembling the right team, giving them the necessary..." should add "and" before giving
iii. Final paragraph "...while the expedition team are away" should replace are with is
e. "Finances" sticker: in first paragraph under sponsorship offers section "...provide a fixed monthly payments..." should remove the "a"
f. "Buzz" sticker:
i. last paragraph "increasing exhibit's Decoration ratings" should change exhibit's to exhibits'
ii. last paragraph replace the semicolons with commas and remove the comma after "and"
g. "Info stands" sticker:
i. First paragraph: can remove the comma
ii. Second paragraph: "Instead, gain knowledge..." should add "they" before gain
iii. Final paragraph: can remove the comma
h. "Money" sticker:
i. Second paragraph: consider changing to "Money is required to buy items, including decorations, and for paying staff wages." [consider also adding something about money is required to send expeditions]
ii. Fourth paragraph: "...or take on a sponsored exhibit, which provide a monthly payment..." should change provide to provides
i. "Museum Rating" sticker: first paragraph "Guest's museum reviews" should change Guest's to Guests'
j. "Incomplete Exhibits" sticker:
i. Second paragraph: consider replacing the comma (constructed, they) with a semicolon
ii. Third paragraph: "...of a incomplete exhibit..." change a to an
k. "Cargo Items" sticker:
i. Second paragraph: there appears to be an extra space between that and can "...bonuses that can shape..."
ii. Last paragraph: "...and must be build in..." change build to built
l. "Expedition Ailments" sticker:
i. Under "Illnesses" paragraph "Some Illness fade with time..." change Illness to Illnesses
ii. Under "Illnesses" paragraph consider removing the first comma in the last sentence " counter Illness events, when planning..."
iii. Under "Curses" paragraph add comma after Springs "...Room, or at Remedial Springs"
m. "Security Guards" sticker:
i. First paragraph: consider changing the first sentence to "Security Guards have specific, but crucial, roles..."
ii. Third paragraph: consider removing the comma "If they spot a criminal, within their..."
n. "Janitors" sticker:
i. Second paragraph: consider removing the commas in "...Interactive Displays, and Cargo..." and "...keep up appearances, around the museum."
ii. Last paragraph: remove the comma in "...or train one, in the Training Room."
o. "Experts" sticker:
i. First paragraph: consider editing the second sentence to: "They restore exhibits; run guided tours; and go on..."
ii. Second paragraph: consider removing comma "Experts come with a specialization, that..."
p. "Gift Shop" sticker: second paragraph consider removing the commas "...must be assigned a theme, before..." and "Try multiple, themed..."
3. General sticker grammar: there is inconsistent use of an Oxford comma in lists used throughout the stickers. For example, with the Oxford comma: "I like the colors blue, green, and red." vs without the Oxford comma: "I like the colors blue, green and red." Consider standardizing across all the stickers.
Update 2/28/25 1100 EST
Here are a few more I found after playing a bit longer today.
1. Guest sticker, Yetis: "Yetis are a special guest type only visit..." should add "that" after "type"
2. Temperature & Humidity: in second paragraph, consider deleting the comma in "Exhibits with such Requirements, will need..."