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a year ago Feb 15,2024, 10:02:12 AM

Two Point Campus Modding Competition | Build it your way!

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Hey Pointians,

A little while ago, you may remember the exciting news that cross-platform modding was available to all you lovely campus administrators, powered by mod.io!

We’ve absolutely LOVED seeing what you as a community have been creating with these tools, so we thought, what better way to celebrate all this amazing creativity than by throwing an epic modding competition?

In partnership with mod.io, we’re thrilled to announce our very own modding competition! Flaunt your skills by making your dream campus items or decor, by entering you’ll have the chance to win part of the prize pool of over $10,000 (USD). It’s time to let your creativity flourish, as 16 lucky creators with the best mods can win across one of our four categories.

If you haven’t tried modding before, it’s super easy to have a go by checking out our handy guides, and you can even ask for advice in our community Discord!

Knowing you, our wonderful players, have made SO many excellent mods since the tools were launched we can’t wait for the grand creations you come up with! Before you start a brainstorming sesh, make sure you read through the competition Terms & Conditions below, alongside thinking about which of our 4 categories you’re creating for before you start your project.

Competition Winners
Thank you SO much to all of the amazing entries put forward in the competition, the studio panel absolutely loved your creativity! The items have been a feature of our weekly studio meetings we wanted to show them off so bad <3 Now, it's time to announce our winners in each category!

Course Items
1st Place - Cluster Computer

2nd Place - 

3rd Place - Three Ordinary Pots

4th Place - Magic Wand Rack

Student Items
1st Place - Whacky Inflatable Waving Tube Men!

2nd Place - Student Energy Refuel Depot

3rd Place - Coffee Table Fish Tank

4th Place - Galactic Table

Seasonal Items
1st Place - Lunar New Year Decoration Pack

2nd Place - Festive Firework Rockets

3rd Place - Halloween Kiosk

4th Place - Easter Statue

2D Items
1st Place - Placeable Rainbow 

2nd Place - Bubble Wall & Floor

3rd Place - Reclaimed Groove Wall 

4th Place - Puzzle Carpet and Wallpaper Set 

Categories & Prizes

Create your perfect dorm decorations or hallway hang-out spots, and submit your item to mod.io, and make sure you tick your category in the competition tags before submitting: 

Course Item
an academic piece that you might find within one of Two Point Campus’ many silly courses.

Student Life
was your student bar or quad missing something? Make the perfect mod to amp up the student experience, it could be something you might find around Campus or in one of the many social spots.

Seasonal Item
university isn’t the same without themed parties! Create something seasonal for your students, the occasion is for you to decide.

2D Category
if 3D work isn’t your jam, create the perfect walls or floors or rug or poster to tie the place together!

Each category has a total prize pool of $2500 (USD) split across 1st – 4th place:

1st Place Prize: $1000 & merch bundle ($150 value)

2nd Place Prize: $700 & merch bundle ($95 value)

3rd Place Prize: $500 & merch bundle ($50 value)

4th Place Prize: $300 & merch bundle ($50 value)

Our awesome Two Point merch bundles will contain lots of lovely promotional goodies to have you feeling at home on any university campus.

Community Favourite

Once the main competition closes, we’re getting the whole community involved to choose their favourite mod from amongst the 16 winners! They’ll get to vote here on Two Point County to crown their very own winner, who, in addition to their prizes above, will win a $100 Amazon gift card!

Competition Details

  • Enter your submission by uploading your mod to mod.io by following these steps
  • Make sure to check the competition category tag for the category you're entering before submitting!
  • The competition opens now, 15th February 2024 10:00 GMT and closes on 15th March 2024 23:59 GMT.
  • Your mod must be submitted to mod.io before the competition closes including the competition tag

  • To be eligible your mod must follow the Terms & Conditions laid out in section 3 below.

Terms & Conditions

These legal terms govern how Mod.io Pty Ltd, (“Mod.io”) and Two Point Studios Limited  (“TPS”) will administer the competition and the relationship between them and a person entering the Two Point Campus modding competition.

1. Prize Pool and Individual Prizes

1.1. The total cash prize pool is $10,000 USD (ten thousand US dollars only);

1.2. The total physical prize pool is valued at $1,200 USD (one thousand two hundred US dollars only); 

1.3. The individual prizes and selection criteria are outlined in Section 2.

2. Individual Prizes

Prize Name

Number of Winners

Prize per Winner

Winner Selection Criteria

1s Place Prize

4 (one per category, see 3.2.5.)

$1000 cash prize, merchandise package ($150 value)

Selection by a panel of 5 judges (appointed among TPS employees) who will assess how well the mods fit the category, the game style and aesthetic, as well as TPS brand and values.

2nd Place Prize

4 (one per category, see 3.2.5.)

$700 cash prize, merchandise package ($95 value)

Selection by a panel of 5 judges (appointed among TPS employees) who will assess how well the mods fit the category, the game style and aesthetic, as well as TPS brand and values.

3rd Place Prize

4 (one per category, see 3.2.5.)

$500 cash prize, merchandise package ($50 value)

Selection by a panel of 5 judges (appointed among TPS employees) who will assess how well the mods fit the category, the game style and aesthetic, as well as TPS brand and values.

4th Place Prize

4 (one per category, see 3.2.5.)

$300 cash prize, merchandise package ($50 value)

Selection by a panel of 5 judges (appointed among TPS employees) who will assess how well the mods fit the category, the game style and aesthetic, as well as TPS brand and values.

Community Prize


$100 Amazon gift card

Selected among the 16 winners by a public vote held on the Two Point Campus community platform on 22nd of March, 2024: https://community.twopointcounty.com/

3. Eligibility

3.1 For a competition entry to be eligible, the mod creator must:

3.1.1 Have a single active member account on mod.io when the Prizes are determined and at the last day of the relevant month. Duplicate accounts will be grouped or banned;

3.1.2 Have agreed to, and not be in breach of, the mod.io or TPS Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and any other policies as may be required by TPS or mod.io;

3.1.3 Not be employed or provide services for mod.io or TPS, or be related to or live with someone who does; and 

3.1.4 Live in a country that is not under sanction by:

3.2 For mod(s) to be eligible, they must:

3.2.1 Be your original creation;

3.2.2 Be publicly available and visible on mod.io;

3.2.3 Be active and not taken down from mod.io for any reason;

3.2.4 Having been uploaded to mod.io in the time period between the 15th of February 10:00 GMT, and the 15th of March 23:59 GMT 2024.

3.2.5 Be referenced on mod.io using the dedicated tags for the categories of entries in the contest: Course item (an item relevant to one of the university courses taught within the game); Student life (an item relevant to campus environment or socializing on campus);  Seasonal item (an item relevant to a cultural, religious or otherwise celebrated annual festive event. Examples of festive events include Pride Events, Christmas, Eid, Hannukah, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Diwali, Valentine’s Day, Lunar New Year); or 2D item (examples of 2D Game items include posters, walls, floors).

3.2.6 Be compatible with the latest version of  Two Point Campus; and

3.2.7 Comply with the relevant Two Point Campus EULA and any other policies required by TPS from time to time.

3.3 Additional rules:

3.3.1 Notwithstanding the above eligibility criteria, TPS and mod.io reserves the right to exclude any mod creator or mod from the program for any reason;

3.3.2 Mod creators who are found to have acted in bad faith, in mod.io sole discretion, will be permanently excluded from this and any future competitions;

3.3.3 If a mod has been created through the contributions of multiple parties, only the primary mod creator, as credited on the mod page, is eligible to enter and win prizes;

3.3.4 Mods that are obviously trying to "game" the system in any way to win will be disqualified from participation; and

3.3.5 The decisions of TPS and mod.io staff regarding eligibility, Winner Selection Criteria, and winners of the competition (Winner) are final and binding on all mod creators.

4. Winner Announcements

4.1 TPS will announce the Winners in the week following the end of the competition, during a live broadcast on their Twitch channel (https://www.twitch.tv/twopointstudios) on the 21st of March, 2024; and available on video-on-demand on the same platform afterwards; 

4.2 Winners will also be notified directly by mod.io via direct message on the mod.io site or via the email found on their mod.io account; and

4.3 Upon final verification of eligibility, payments of cash or other monetary prizes will be made by the 15th of April 2024 by mod.io.

4.4 Upon final verification of eligibility, physical prizes will be sent by TPS  by the 15th of April 2024.

5. Payment Eligibility

5.1. To be eligible to receive a cash prize payment the Winner must:

5.1.1 Have a bank account that can receive payments from the payment provider;

5.1.2 Have parental approval if the winner is under the age of consent in their country, and be able to demonstrate this approval on request; 

5.1.3 Undergo all required AML, KYC, or KYB processes; and provide bank account details in the requested format before 15th of April 2024.

5.2. Payments are forfeited if the conditions in 5.1 are not met.

6. Fees and Taxes

6.1. Winners will receive their prize less any fees associated with the payment transaction, including currency exchange fees; and

6.2. Winners are responsible for:

6.2.1. completing any AML, KYC or KYB processes as reasonably required by the chosen payment partner in order to make payment of the cash prize(s);

6.2.2 bearing the costs of any bank fees, transfer fees, and any other costs associated with payment of cash prizes; and

6.2.3 any taxes payable on the cash prize.

7. Questions on the Competition

7.1. If you have any questions on the competition, you can contact mod.io at support@mod.io, or TPS  on their Discord https://discord.gg/twopointstudios, or at campus.support@twopointstudios.com.

7.2. If you have a complaint or concern about the competition (other than privacy complaints), you must not lodge complaints with any supervisory or regulatory authority without first contacting mod.io and TPS at the contact details above and giving us at least 30 days to provide a satisfactory resolution to your complaint

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a year ago
Feb 17, 2024, 3:15:21 PM

Will you be selling any of the merch by any chance? I'm not one for modding, but I would love to get my hands on some of that merch!!

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a year ago
Feb 18, 2024, 2:33:41 PM
RachelMariaD wrote:

Will you be selling any of the merch by any chance? I'm not one for modding, but I would love to get my hands on some of that merch!!

SAME! i don't think i have the ~gaming creativity~ and that's fine, i just want to enjoy the fun things!

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