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Speed Walking Club - Please consider 2nd look on how speedwalking buff works

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3 years ago
Sep 8, 2022, 5:35:27 PM

I was watching a guide on youtube and I came across a clubs guide by Pinstar on all the effects of the campus clubs in the game. At first glance it feels like the speed walking club would be the most beneficial one and certainly the most popular but after watching his video and looking into the speed walking club and its effect on the student, It has very strong negative effect on student whereby when they activate the speed walk they consume a lot of energy. In the end I found out that a lot of my student was getting tire every time when the arrive to class due to the speed walking bonus which effect their overall performance and happiness.


As example from the video link, It shows a student recharging his energy in their dorm bed to full percent and immediately his energy plummet downs in seconds after getting out from his bed. I feel like this is very destructive and not helpful in trying to manage the student energy and happiness, while yes we can just opt out in putting down the speed walking club but I wish the club would help the campus instead of making it worse to manage the student needs. Please consider looking ways to improve the speed walking club from its current version.

If by any chance it does get a second look may i suggest the effect be change to something like this:

A Student that joins the speed walking Club gains a permanent 30% movement speed and it doesn't consume energy when it activates but only activates and gain the movement speed when the student energy is at a certain percentage threshold depending on their level for example;  

  1. level 1 movement speed buff only activates when student energy is at 90% or higher
  2. level 2 speed buff activate when energy is at 80% and above
  3. level 3 at 70% and above
  4. level 4 at 60% and above
  5. level 5 at 50% and above and so on
  6. until level 10 where the student can still have the movement speed buff at 0% energy

I consider level 10 a permanent thing since it rewards having been able to level up to max and rarely do I find student getting max level club for a three year course. Most i seen getting level 8 then poof they graduate without getting a max club level. And the most important thing is that the speed buff when activates doesn't consume energy.

Updated 3 years ago.
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