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3 years ago
Jul 29, 2022, 9:47:49 AM

The cool thing about Two Point games is we can go almost anywhere with it - if it's typically a "normal" scenario, we can put our twist on it. The world is our oyster, as they say :D

But we gotta get Campus out and make sure everyone's enjoying themselves before game 3!

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3 years ago
Jul 29, 2022, 4:03:10 PM

You guys could also take a Marvel-esque approach. Build a series of games that are vertical specific, then at the end combine them all together into a much larger and more diverse composite game that includes all the previous ones.

1. Two Point Hospital

2. Two Point Campus

3. Two Point Suburb

4. Two Point Farm

5. Two Point Factory

6. Two Point Transport

7. Two Point County

Then you could have the denizens moving between individually made places, so they'd live in Suburb, work at various places, learn and train at Campus, make food from Farm, make products from Factory, be cured from illness from Hospital, and move between places and deliver goods from Transport.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Aug 4, 2022, 11:05:35 PM

I think Two Point Airport would be a fantastic game, something I would really like to see. Not many good airport/airline games out there for us aviation enthusiasts.

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3 years ago
Aug 6, 2022, 10:00:08 AM
Yup!!!   Michael wrote:

I think Two Point Airport would be a fantastic game, something I would really like to see. Not many good airport/airline games out there for us aviation enthusiasts.                               YUP!!

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3 years ago
Aug 9, 2022, 5:59:45 PM

Top of my wish list is Two Point Park.

I loved 1994 Theme Park as a kid back in the 90s and no game since has come close to the magic this game gave me. I really want a successor to this game and have been dreaming of its release for nearly 30 years.

Other possible future titles include Mall or Shopping Center, Tower, Prison, Airport

Unusual idea I thought of was Two Point Power Station. Could be interesting.

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3 years ago
Aug 9, 2022, 6:44:23 PM

Two Point Farm could be really cool I also think Two Point Prison could be really fun also you need a different approach for a prison  one of the aspects could be how many people re offend after release. I also like the air port idea I would have said theme park but that I think would be a bit too much like Roller Coaster Tycoon.

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3 years ago
Aug 10, 2022, 3:48:18 AM

Two Point Arcade!

You could start small like the early '80s in a chip shop,  then slowly expand, develop new games,  add redemption machines and choose the winning odds,  add a food court so it's like a Chuick E Cheese Etc. and maybe even mini rides.

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3 years ago
Aug 10, 2022, 10:35:36 AM

 Two Point Politics

Set in parliament, you start off running a local government and work your way up to the UN. So many opportunities for tongue-in-cheek satire!

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3 years ago
Aug 11, 2022, 9:15:51 AM

Indeed for a REAL successor to the 1st Theme Park....I will always remember the trick of adding a lot of salt to the fries to sell the drinks very expensive

I didn't find Theme Park as good as other games of the same style. Parkitect too serious and Planet Coaster too heavy...

Then the prison theme could be excellent....suggested by Peter Molyneux in 1994 => http://obligement.free.fr/articles/itwpetermolyneux2.php " => "We plan to make a Theme Hospital where you will have to balance the different disciplines, from cosmetic surgery to open heart surgery. We are also planning a Prison Theme where you run a prison in a way that makes the prisoners happy so they don't think about escaping. A Theme Shopping Mail (shopping mall) is also envisaged, and finally a Theme Airport or Theme Business Park (business center)."

There is Prison Architect (too serious) and Escapits which exist but it is really the atmosphere of TWOPOINT which is desirable

But also supermarkets and hypermarkets.

1. TwoPoint ThemePark

2.TwoPoint Jail

3.TwoPoint Market

Ok, I'm thinking of getting out of TwoPoint's initial scope, but why not create a CityBuilder by challenging the great CitiesSkylines ... but I don't think that's the editor's goal

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3 years ago
Aug 11, 2022, 1:34:08 PM

Two point Star Trek, think how many issues and strange sickness it could be. Its hospital and campus in two, maybe more.

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3 years ago
Aug 11, 2022, 1:53:32 PM

Two point space station.

”we went to the final frontier but we forgot the biscuits so had to go back and start again” lol

 That way you have staff and visitors (aliens, cyborgs ect can be continued too). Rooms and other elements could include shops (different ones satisfy different needs depending on the visitors “type” - maybe different alien races. Each would have different core needs or wants to satisfy basic needs as well as entertainment ect. The space station could exclude med bay, shops, even bars ect… with all the little Easter eggs the team puts in I’d love to see a little in-joke homage to quarks from DS9 lol

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