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quality of life - more efficent janitor job assignments

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2 years ago
Dec 31, 2022, 12:15:29 AM

Hi, I had a problem in some of the larger maps where my janitors were working very ineffecently around campus based on how they were "assigned" to jobs by the system. I had the problem that maintenence and cleaning issues were piling up as the janitors ignored multiple issues in order to walk across campus to their assigned task, often passing multiple other janitors heading in a variety of opposite directions, all of them ignoring nearby trash and malfunctioning equipment . I could manually drag and drop a janitor to pick up a single piece of trash in a dirty room, but then usually they walked past all of the remaining trash to try to go do a distant task. I would love to see an improvement in having each janitor prioritize cleaning/maintenence jobs by distance. Thanks for listening!

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4 months ago
May 22, 2024, 8:37:36 PM

Late to the party, but better than making a new thread I think? Sorry if I'm wrong.
Anyway, I rather like the idea of being able to assign staff (janitors in this case of course, but there are ways assistants and lecturers would also benefit somewhat) to specific buildings and/or the outside, which ought to largely fix the problem detailed above, assuming the player doesn't mess up assignments. It'd also add a pinch more depth to the management mechanics and give more reason to use the overhead management view. No idea how challenging any of that would be to implement though.

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