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Here's hoping for a theme park next.

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a year ago
Jul 4, 2023, 8:32:39 AM

First of all, I would like to thank two point Studios for the dedication they have shown (campus, hospital).

Especially the two point hospital was a very appreciated project that made me feel nostalgic for the theme hospital of the past bullfrog.

One request and question I would like to ask is

I'm sure you'll be thinking about your next game at some point.

It would be great if you could remake a theme park like theme Hospital.

I'd love to see theme park in high resolution, like theme hospital.
I look forward to the day when I can enjoy theme park once again. Thank you.

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a year ago
Jul 25, 2023, 7:35:46 AM

Hopefully, the wish for a remake of Theme Park will reach developers and production companies.

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a year ago
Jul 31, 2023, 1:50:31 PM

It would be GREAT to see a Two Point Theme Park game! I loved the original! 

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Aug 18, 2023, 5:22:07 PM

YES! I was thinking the same recently. Theme park would be great Two Point game. You could go really crazy with attractions. That would be soooo much fun.

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a year ago
Aug 19, 2023, 3:21:08 PM

This is a great Idea i mean training your staff to work specific rides and stuff i mean they develloped a landscaping feature so you could tecnically just use it in the game right? and the tents on the map near hogspot/freishley medows could be a little fairground starting area with like a few classic rides some game trailors like shooting one, lottery(or how google said it was a"loose stand" thingy) and popping baloons as like a tutoriel maybe one locstion near the underlook hotel another big one near the city would be nice and then you could go into actual theme parks meaning even more oppertunitys in pebbely island maybe or in the city, alien themed theme park maybe i dont have more ideas asi havent really played too much TPC so i dont know much about the map and where what is could go (imagine a ferris wheel failing and unaliving people(can i say the k word here?) that would be so much fun)  (red is for people only wanting to read the important parts or for developers wanting to take insperation)

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a year ago
Aug 20, 2023, 8:53:38 PM

Agreed with the idea however it has been done with planet coaster unfortunately but I have missed playing on theme park and theme park world 

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a year ago
Sep 17, 2023, 12:13:44 AM

Always loved Rollercoaster tycoon and theme park world. It would be amazing if two point brought out a theme park game 

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a year ago
Sep 17, 2023, 2:48:15 PM

I would love to see a resort next if they wanted to do something new! Imagaine multiple locales so many types of Holiday to make as much or little profit on! 

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a year ago
Oct 2, 2023, 7:06:53 PM

I wouldn't mind something different like a diner or holiday park but it would be nice to give Parkitect some competition

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13 days ago
Sep 4, 2024, 4:26:14 AM

yk81bt geometry dash wrote:

First of all, I would like to thank two point Studios for the dedication they have shown (campus, hospital).

Especially the two point hospital was a very appreciated project that made me feel nostalgic for the theme hospital of the past bullfrog.

One request and question I would like to ask is

I'm sure you'll be thinking about your next game at some point.

It would be great if you could remake a theme park like theme Hospital.

I'd love to see theme park in high resolution, like theme hospital.
I look forward to the day when I can enjoy theme park once again. Thank you.

​I completely agree! A high-resolution remake of Theme Park would be amazing, especially with Two Point Studios' attention to detail. It would be nostalgic and exciting to see a modern take on such a classic game!

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11 days ago
Sep 5, 2024, 5:44:23 PM

I've got an idea for a game two point holiday resort where your in charge of keeping guest happy and entertained in the tourist industry fictional location something based around Hawaii or Ibiza would be good swimming pools inflatable obstacle courses drone show's some of the things that would be amazing to have in the game🙂

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