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support animals
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a year ago
Mar 27, 2023, 9:12:27 PM

I think just an idea a support cat and dog to help students like mascots for the campus would be a cool with the campus colours just an idea :)

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Mar 28, 2023, 11:44:59 PM

This idea could extend to the idea of a new staff member maybe... Ive had the idea for a while of an actual campus mascot - as in a person in an animal costume.
This would especially work for the sporty based campus classes. (Giant Rat costumes lol) The school costumed mascot could improve the happiness and entertainment of staff, visitors and students alike.

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3 months ago
Jun 11, 2024, 4:11:39 AM

I've had the idea of ​​an actual mascot on campus for a while - like one dressed in an animal costume. This is especially effective for on-campus sports classes. Costume school mascots can improve the fun and entertainment of staff, visitors and students alike.

doodle baseball

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