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Remove denuvo rootkit malware

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a year ago
Feb 17, 2024, 5:50:38 AM

So I was happy to purchase Two Points Hospital the minute the Denuvo rootkit malware was removed, as it is an unacceptable security risk for anyone who understands anything about PC security. Will be happy to pay for this one also once the malware is removed. Until then, you will receive no more of my money including TPH DLCs. (Love TPH btw). I buy my games on Steam if that matters at all. Not sure why you would infect the computers of paying customers.

Thanks for listening.


IT Security Professional

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a year ago
Feb 17, 2024, 11:18:27 AM
brutaxia wrote:

[...] the minute the Denuvo rootkit malware was removed, as it is an unacceptable security risk for anyone who understands anything about PC security. [...] once the malware is removed. [...] Not sure why you would infect the computers of paying customers. [...]

What's the matter with Denuvo that you're calling it "malware" and an "unacceptable security risk"?

Updated a year ago.
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5 months ago
Aug 12, 2024, 10:45:49 PM

When is a rootkit program like Denuvo NOT malware. Just might as well get the pirated version since you are not putting that Denuvo crap on my machine.

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25 days ago
Dec 30, 2024, 6:04:01 PM

brutaxia wrote:

When is a rootkit program like Denuvo NOT malware. Just might as well get the pirated version since you are not putting that Denuvo crap on my machine.

I mean, there are security concerns(and privacy concerns, too) with Denuvo anti-tamper as well, but I think the "Rootkit" you are thinking of is DAC, the same company different product, Denuvo anti-tamper has no kernel-level component that is only for DAC(Denuvo anti-cheat). Denuvo anti-tamper has the same level of risk as any other proprietary software.

Updated 25 days ago.
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