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4 months ago Oct 31,2024, 12:02:11 PM

Wailon Lodge | Supernatural Museum


Welcome, Curators, to our latest museum location reveal: the County’s peculiar Wailon Lodge.

With spectral ratings off the charts, the Lodge is easily one of the most haunted places in the County, but as Curator you’re up for a challenge, right? Join the ghostly front-of-house, Winston Wailon, as you restore the Lodge and perhaps even realise Winston’s dreams of housing guests (albeit of the spirit variety).

The Lodge joins Memento Mile and Passwater Cove as one of the many museum locations you’ll take under your wing as the County’s Curator. Now, let’s take a closer look at the hauntingly cosy Lodge!

Back from the Dead

The grand, yet abandoned, location wasn’t always so… deadly quiet. No, in its prime, it served as a quaint, cosy holiday location, and although it proved unpopular, you cannot deny the building’s grandeur. 

Too remote, too old-fashioned, and too near the rift to the Netherworld, the place now lies in ruin. 

Seemingly intentionally closed to the living, the Lodge is overshadowed by rumours of hauntings, obscuring any rare memory of the place’s original purpose. Numerous spooky reports include tales of furniture moving by itself, alongside the sound of a dreadful train whistle echoing across the valley.

A screenshot of the Netherworld expedition map, showcasing two of the many points of interest your Experts will explore. The map’s background has spooky buildings with a flaming ghost training speeding away, with a twisted forest of dead trees in the distance.

Expert in a Dying Field

Paranormal investigators heavily advise that, as Curator, you ensure the historic remnants of the Netherworld are handled delicately, respecting the dark history of the relics. We wouldn’t want any attached entities to hold a grudge now, would we?

A screenshot of a ghost breaking out of their polterguest room in Two Point Museum, they have a large grin with a surprised look as they push themselves through the door.

​You’ll have the chance to prove yourself, exploring whether this old haunted hotel can truly transform into an actual museum. For years, the Lodge was bothered by wandering ghosts, so why not invite them to stay? As you design immersive Polterguest Rooms for these spirits, and embark on expeditions into the neighbouring Netherworld Rift, you’ll hopefully find that horror can be quite the crowd-pleaser.

Each supernatural exhibit has its own unique… presence. Just take this children’s doll, for example. With its lovely pigtails and rosy cheeks, it would surely catch the eye of any young Pointian; but alas, it’s far from ordinary.

A Haunted Doll exhibit tracks the camera with it's eyes, never looking away from the player.shudder 

Now, that’s quite enough spookiness for one afternoon! As soon as you have the keys, make sure you head out and get exploring, will you? The County’s Department of Culture would love to hear about any… unusual exhibit behaviour, so be sure to drop your reports in the usual pigeonhole. Happy haunting exploring!

Are you ready to dust off your management tools before the grand opening?

Two Point Museum is coming to PC, Xbox X|S, and PlayStation 5 on 4th March 2025.

Preorder now:

  • Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2185060/Two_Point_Museum/
  • Xbox X|S: https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9nfhrf1m4w3z
  • PlayStation 5: https://store.playstation.com/concept/10009660

🦕 Curate and design your very own museum!

🚁 Explore on expeditions to discover new exhibits

🔧 Enhanced management - provide guest tours, optimise prices and organise staff zones

🎡 Excite guests by providing top-notch entertainment and useful exhibit information

🦝 Manage mayhem - care for carnivorous plants and deter thieves whilst maintaining your museum

🎨 Creative freedom - build internal walls, customise item colours, splash paint and lay carpet as you lovingly arrange each prehistoric fern

How can I see MORE and stay up to date on Two Point Museum???

Well, that would be amazingly kind of you! We'd absolutely love it if you'd come and join us and our community for a chat, or to lurk and watch things unfold! We can be found on all of the top channels (bar carrier pigeon, sorry), so pick your favourites: 

We're overwhelmingly Buzzed to tell you more, there's SO MUCH we want to show off. Be sure to wishlist OR preorder the game and we'll talk soon (:

With love and TONNES of excitement,

- Abby (Junior Community Manager)

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4 months ago
Nov 5, 2024, 5:57:07 AM

In an age where AAAA publishers continue to delay their games to well beyond their original release date to only ultimately release their titles with an immersion-breaking level of jank, can Two Point Studios be the first to buck the trend and release this title well ahead of the announced release date with the immersion-enhancing level of jank we've grown to love from your games?

I was already excited when I saw the original announcement for TPM, even though I had no imagination about what the gameplay would be like. But this preview into the haunted house theme has just provided a ton of clarity and ramped up excitement levels to new heights. Just want to play it!! Why does March have to be so far awayyyy.

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