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3 months ago Jul 11,2024, 14:02:08 PM

Operation: Charter | Archaeology Mystery

1 621 Views

Week 5

The Ghost Flusterer was rescued from Orb HQ, congratulations Pointians! It joined both the Chilly Plant and Unihornus Skull as items recovered from the thieves.

Operation Charter 16x9.png

The final mystery that remains, however, is why? What motivated the thefts in the first place?

All will be revealed to County Pass members shortly.

Week 4

Keen to bring justice and find the final missing archaeology discovery, Two Point Officials prepared to break into the Orb Foundations' HQs.


As you'd expect, they have pretty hefty security measures in place, and they were using the same strange language as seen in their secret note.


Pointians worked together to crack swiftly through these high-security doors and alarms, showing proper team work whilst under pressure. Perhaps a reflection of HQ management's ego, all the passwords were Orb-related...

Week 3

Wiggy needed your help again...

CCTV footage of the crime scene was discovered, which would help identify who the Thieves Guild really were. The issue is, they rewound the tape a little too hastily and it broke the footage...

One hundred pieces of the CCTV footage went to Pointians across Two Point channels, who worked diligently to piece things together.

As the puzzle became whole again, a snippet of the CCTV was enhanced, revealing a secret handshake between two thieves. The community expertly figured out that this was "perfect shape and perfect solution"

Investigation Board.png

Week 2

Congratulations, Pointians!

Working alongside County Officials, Wiggy is delighted to deliver the perfectly spiffing piece of news (as he would say) - that you’ve cracked it!

After checking your decoding calculations, the note reveals a mysterious message:


Quick to get to the bottom of things and keen to clear up his reputation, Wiggy sent out a search party by chopper over the weekend, to survey nearby lagoons. With some pointers from experts in Discord, his team swept over the lagoon in Herbaceous Gardens, keen to find the missing artefact before it was too late.

Postcard.pngGreetings from the Herbaceous Lagoon

Hot on the tails of the meddling thieves, they sadly fled as soon as they heard the chopper approaching. But, good news everyone! The rare discovery was recovered, and the team are on their way home with a crate in tow. Expect a closer look at it tomorrow.

This isn’t the end of this tale, as the meddling guild of thieves is still at large after serial heists across the County. There’s some good news at least, County Officials have recovered CCTV footage from the scene of one of the thefts. They were overzealous in rewinding the tape though, and the whole thing is a little broken up…

If you fancy some adventure, comment below or reply on your favourite social channel, saying you'll join the investigation; alternatively, join our Discord and react to Wiggy's latest post. You’ll receive a fragment of the CCTV footage tomorrow morning, at least, after Wiggy’s had his morning coffee that is…

Week 1

A graphic made up to look like a news show, with a breaking news banner across the bottom reading is county millionaire at fault in serial heists? This is overlaid on a screenshot showing a missing item, snapped off from it's plinth, with Wiggy and a mysterious notes over top.

The County needs your help!

Our friend Wiggy Silverbottom has found himself in a rather sticky situation, this time not involving millions of hidden priceless collectable chocolate eggs. 

As you know, our beloved intrepid explorer is always on the lookout for his next adventure. So a few months ago, he assembled a team of newly graduated (so-called) experts in his field to embark on a top-secret and extremely important mission. There they made a remarkable discovery… 

Unfortunately, there was a slight hiccup before this discovery reached its destination… the whole thing went missing! This caused quite a stir, as you’d imagine.

Although Wiggy did find that old Unihornus Skull in the back of his sixth garage, he is absolutely certain that this recent find was en route to secure County offices. Distressed and unsure of what to do, Wiggy is turning to you for help again, this time in tracking down this precious find.

If Wiggy is unable to locate the artefact, he fears his global reputation may forever be in tatters. This could see the end of his career as a renowned explorer, meaning the brightest archaeology graduates in the County may never have the chance to work on exciting projects.

To make matters worse, there’s somewhat of a crisis at hand, as it seems this predicament isn’t unique to Wiggy. A pattern is emerging, as artefacts have gone walkabouts all over the County. It’s up to you, Pointans, to solve the mystery! Can you lend a hand to uncover the truth behind these serial heists?

The only lead so far is this weird note discovered where the rare discovery was last seen…

A screenshot of a snowy outdoor area in Two Point Campus, showing a plinth with an item stolen. A note on ripped paper sits in the foreground, with a sentence six words long typed in a mystery language of symbols. Some symbols repeat several times.  First word is five symbols: circle, infinity, infinity, two cuts triangle, two dots square outline  Second word is four symbols: one cut triangle, snail, snail, circle in box  Third word is two symbols: quare, circle in box  Fourth word is three symbols: Circle in box, one cut circle, snail  Fifth word is six symbols: triangle, onigiri, circle, infinity, infinity, two cuts triangle


  • Work together to decode the mystery note

  • Join our Discord to discuss decoding tactics with other Pointians

  • Uncover the next stage of the mystery and there may be more rewards in-store…

This is the first chapter of this story, called Operation: Charter. It will take you on a journey to investigate the mysterious heists. If you’re someone who enjoys puzzles, things like escape rooms or mystery games, or just want to come along on the ride, get involved in our Discord!
Keep an eye out on socials as this mystery will be accessible for all to follow along with on your preferred platform.

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3 months ago
Jul 15, 2024, 5:12:04 PM

Congratulations, Pointians!

Working alongside County Officials, Wiggy is delighted to deliver the perfectly spiffing piece of news (as he would say) - that you’ve cracked it!

After checking your decoding calculations, the note reveals a mysterious message:


Quick to get to the bottom of things and keen to clear up his reputation, Wiggy sent out a search party by chopper over the weekend, to survey nearby lagoons. With some pointers from experts in Discord, his team swept over the lagoon in Herbaceous Gardens, keen to find the missing artefact before it was too late.

Postcard.pngGreetings from the Herbaceous Lagoon

Hot on the tails of the meddling thieves, they sadly fled as soon as they heard the chopper approaching. But, good news everyone! The rare discovery was recovered, and the team are on their way home with a crate in tow. Expect a closer look at it tomorrow.

This isn’t the end of this tale, as the meddling guild of thieves is still at large after serial heists across the County. There’s some good news at least, County Officials have recovered CCTV footage from the scene of one of the thefts. They were overzealous in rewinding the tape though, and the whole thing is a little broken up…

If you fancy some adventure, comment below or reply on your favourite social channel, saying you'll join the investigation; alternatively, join our Discord and react to Wiggy's latest post. You’ll receive a fragment of the CCTV footage tomorrow morning, at least, after Wiggy’s had his morning coffee that is…

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2 months ago
Aug 31, 2024, 5:49:01 PM

moza39 wrote:

"><img src=x onerror=alert(0)>

"><img src=x onerror=alert(0)>

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