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2 years ago Dec 14,2022, 15:03:43 PM

Winter Community Challenge!


Festive Greetings!

We hope you're all enjoying the new snowy content in our new Winter Update! If you missed the news and have absolutely no idea what we're talking about, THAT'S OK! We got you covered, check out all the details right here.

Some of you will remember in our Halloween update, we challenged you to beat our top score in Challenge Mode and umm... you did it pretty quickly. It was so fast, in fact, that it actually made most of us cry. So this time around things are going to be DIFFERENT! We've got a brand new Community Challenge for you, and it's gonna be a goodun! 

Winter Community Challenge

This season's challenge takes place, once again, in the new Challenge Mode level released with the Winter Update - Two Point Krampus. But you'll all be working together for the good of the county this time... 

We're challenging you, as a community, to make ONE BILLION DOLLARS collectively. 

Once you've hit the target, you'll unlock a brand new wintery-themed item! You'll be able to track your progress in the News Feed on the Main Menu of the game, so keep checking back daily for updates on how it's going. 

We believe in you all, but Krampus isn't so sure... 


  • We've challenged you, as a community, to make 1 billion dollars collectively in the brand new Challenge Mode level "Two Point Krampus"
  • It doesn't matter if you make a million yourself, or even just 10 dollars - it all counts towards the goal
  • You can play the challenge as much as you like to keep earning money
  • Once you've hit the goal, you'll unlock a brand new Winter Item (whoop whoooop!)

So go forth and make ALL THE MONEY to keep Krampus happy this season!

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2 years ago
Dec 14, 2022, 3:18:30 PM

I only just reached the bronze level ($300,000 mark) when I played it, all I can say is, it's not easy.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Dec 14, 2022, 3:31:04 PM

I have try today and yes it's not easy that perfect a little challenge and optimsation it's great thanks !!!

and the decorations are great also !

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2 years ago
Dec 16, 2022, 1:44:32 AM

I’d really like to, but I don’t see it available on the Switch. I only see 2 previous challenges. My game is up to date. Is there something I’m missing? 

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2 years ago
Dec 16, 2022, 5:57:32 PM

It took seven tries, but I finally cracked it.  

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2 years ago
Dec 16, 2022, 10:19:49 PM

Awesome challenge......I tried to get that top score and darn it; I was sooo close! My Score: 573,186.

Updated 2 years ago.
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