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2 years ago Nov 29,2022, 15:02:09 PM

Two Point Campus: Space Academy | Brand New DLC!

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Welcome aboard, Space Cadets!

Our excitement levels are out of this world as we announce the first DLC beaming into Two Point Campus, Space Academy! With a galaxy of exciting new features including celestial campus locations, far-out courses, and a host of stellar student archetypes for you to mould into the intergalactic pioneers of tomorrow.

The Two Point space program is far, far, away from its golden years when rockets lit up the news and astronauts were semi-famous (like B-list actors you don't even recognise). 

The County needs your help on the front lines! Not only in promoting the space industry but also in galactic defence, inter-dimensional diplomacy, and preparing for foreign life. The aliens are coming; look busy! Dust off your moon boots and set phasers to fun, it's time to get your students to reach for the stars… and their wallets.


Universe City

Take over Two Point's recently founded Space Academy and prepare for contact with aliens.  

Back in the day, Universe City was a bustling facility with non-stop foot traffic, now it's dusty, forgotten and unprofitable. Re-launch the County's interest in outer space and land safely in the dawn of the second space age.

Cape Shrapnull

Take over Two Point's recently founded Space Academy and prepare for contact with aliens. 


The County opened the doors to its fledgling Space Academy, but it launched with a fizzle and no satisfying bang. They've struggled for word-of-mouth from this off-shore locale, and need to generate some buzz about outer space. Prime the space industry and prepare the County for foreign life.

Cheesy Heap


Attract students from across the galaxy to learn on the surface of a massive space rock.

We discovered a cluster of cheesy space rocks caught in the County's orbit, they're a little bigger than the ones we usually sell back home. One of them is so large even, it got us thinking, is it big enough to sustain student life? Time to source alien students from all across the galaxy and teach them everything we know about us, all on the surface of a massive space rock! 


Space Knight School

A nomadic offshoot of traditional (land-based) knighthood. Nothing tests your bottle quite like the endless void, let me tell you... 

A field unconstrained by gravity and common sense. Astronauts flout traditional beliefs and float off into the ether. You may not like it, but you would say that you're probably a Capricorn.

Cosmic Expansion
For generations, Two Pointians have looked to the stars and thought "I'm going to own that someday!". Thanks to alarming technological advances, that's now a very real, unfortunate possibility.

Space Academy
Life in space isn't all shooting stars and dodging lasers. No, it's mostly just protocol and ironing your uniform. Become confident in space from the comfort of wherever this is.

Cheese Moongery
No one wants to see how the cheese is made.

Countless alien civilisations have studied humanity during our relatively brief existence, but most have stayed at a safe and understandable distance, until now!


  • 3 new campus locations
  • 6 new courses with fully animated classrooms
  • 6 new student archetypes
  • 3 new events including Sci-fi Conventions, Space Battles and an out-of-this-world gig act.
  • New Time Tourism Club
  • and lots of new items!

Two Point Campus: Space Academy is coming to PC, Xbox and PlayStation on 6th December 2022 and Nintendo Switch on 12th December 2022 for £8.99/$9.99/€9.99. 

Xbox and PC players, pre-purchase now for a 10% discount! For Switch players, an early adopters discount of 10% will go live for a week on release!

To our lovely folks playing on Switch, the studio worked hard to get the thumbs-up for a simultaneous DLC release. Sadly, on this occasion it couldn't happen, so we worked to wrangle the shortest delay possible. We're very sorry for the wait! To say thank you to you all for your patience, Switch players can expect a new in-game item exclusive to the platform. 

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2 years ago
Nov 29, 2022, 4:12:57 PM
Jadelouise wrote:

Will there be an update to fix the game crashing on the switch? I haven’t played it since the 1.5 update came out 

Hiya Jade,

We've added a few more stability fixes in since 1.5, so it could be worth checking things out now. There are still some crashes left for us to fix, but not loads! We posted a little status update for everyone a few weeks ago here - https://community.twopointcounty.com/two-point-studios/two-point-campus/forums/10-tpc-bug-reports/threads/474-crashes-on-switch?page=1

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2 years ago
Dec 3, 2022, 10:04:14 AM
Jadelouise wrote:

Will there be an update to fix the game crashing on the switch? I haven’t played it since the 1.5 update came out 

Same it’s so super frustrating!!!

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2 years ago
Dec 2, 2022, 12:51:15 PM

Hello all, I love the game and I’m on the last campus . This new DLC will be great and I do hope that there will be more DLC to come and for free as well . 

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2 years ago
Dec 1, 2022, 11:44:27 AM

I'm trying to pre-order on Steam, but it's not showing up in the store at all. I'm in Korea, so maybe it's not available to pre-order in all regions?

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2 years ago
Nov 30, 2022, 6:08:07 PM

it's cool that an academy in space and well we can always dream I can't wait to see this new DLC 

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2 years ago
Nov 30, 2022, 12:38:58 AM

Pre-ordered it today.  Wish the game didn't constantly crash on the PC. Loved playing Two Point Hospital.  Will be glad when the game becomes more stable.

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2 years ago
Nov 29, 2022, 11:01:01 PM

This looks so epic… I cannot wait for the release!!!! However, what about the PS4 players; do we get a discount as well?

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2 years ago
Nov 29, 2022, 10:39:04 PM

I've already preordered this and am super excited! Any chance there will be a game patch released the same time to add Christmas stuff like for Halloween?

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2 years ago
Nov 29, 2022, 7:31:46 PM

9 bucks with pre-purchase discount sounds like a good deal for a good amount of new content. Nice. And who doesn't love some good space stuff?

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2 years ago
Nov 29, 2022, 5:43:53 PM

I am in utter love with this whole idea! Now we will know where Cheezy Gubbins come from! Ch ch ch cheezy Gubbins...in spaaaaaaace!

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2 years ago
Nov 29, 2022, 3:11:18 PM

Will there be an update to fix the game crashing on the switch? I haven’t played it since the 1.5 update came out 

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2 years ago
May 30, 2023, 6:51:59 AM

I bought the DLC on PS5. Could it be  that the time tourism club is not available? I also don´t see some items, such as: Astronomical spider, Space bed

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