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2 years ago Nov 10,2022, 16:32:12 PM

Modding Will Be Coming to Two Point Campus & We Need YOU!

2 890 Views

Hello lovelies!

We hope you're all having a smashing week so far. We're gearing up here at the studio for a VERY exciting couple of months, honestly, we're really excited to show you what we've been working on! Today we want to talk about one of the many awesome things we've got going on... it's something people have been asking for since launch... MODDING. 

Yep, that's right people! We're working on getting modding into Two Point Campus so you, our lovely community, can make super cool stuff for your fellow players. In our previous game, Two Point Hospital, we enabled Steam Workshop and had the ability for players to make their own custom wallpapers, rugs, and so on. We wanted to take this a bit further in Two Point Campus though, so for the first time ever, we'll be enabling players to mod actual items in the game! 


In Two Point Campus, we won't be using Steam Workshop. Instead, we've teamed up with the super-talented people at mod.io to enable cross-platform mods for our PC and Console players. So it doesn't matter what platform you're playing on, if you like the look of a mod, you can use it! (We told you it was cool!)

We'll be working on modding in different stages. The first stage is Item Modding, as mentioned above. If all goes well, we'll start looking into what other areas of the game we can do to give you more power to adjust your experience in unique and interesting ways. 

Currently, we don't have a set release date for this BUT... we've got a little beta on Steam right now! If you're a modder, or you know someone who is, drop us an email at community@twopointstudios.com for more info on how to get into it. One thing to note here is that having experience in Unity will be a huge help to you, as this is the program you'll be using to create your mods.

If modding isn't really your thing, that's ok! We've got LOTS more to talk about soon too... so keep an eye out on the forum and our social channels.

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2 years ago
Nov 11, 2022, 10:59:12 AM

How in-depth will this be? Will there be the ability for being to create whole new classess/subjects? It would be amazing to have something like that added in and would definitely help with longetivity as well.

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2 years ago
Nov 15, 2022, 12:51:49 PM

That's great news but I am afraid Sony will make it hard for you. Will mods be limited like they were for Fallout 4 & Skyrim on Playstation? They didn't allow scripts & new assets basically.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Nov 20, 2022, 12:59:53 PM
TwoPoint_Steggs wrote:
So it doesn't matter what platform you're playing on, if you like the look of a mod, you can use it! (We told you it was cool!)

Awesome plan! ?

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Dec 5, 2022, 1:01:36 AM

good new, will it be a way to add french (and other languages) voices replacement for the radio in two point hospital ?

would be so nice !!!! in adance THANKS

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